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15 talented people from Uzbekistan who are loved in the country and in the world


15 talented people from Uzbekistan who are loved in the country and in the world

We tell you about athletes, musicians and artists from Uzbekistan, whose talent is known not only in Central Asia, but also in other countries of the world.

Shahzoda, @shahzodasinger

A popular singer and actress from Uzbekistan, whose songs have won the hearts of fans not only in her native country, but also in other CIS countries. A whole generation has grown up on her work. Shahzoda catches people with her beautiful voice and her style.

Shahzoda also tried herself as an actress. She starred in the project Fotima va Zuhra.

Khusnora Shodieva, @khusnorik

A blogger, singer and TV presenter who became famous for her talent and ability to inspire millions of her subscribers. She has a bright charisma and the ability to be open and sincere in front of her audience.

Sabina Mustaeva, @sabina_mustaeva

The singer, whose unique interpretation of songs and powerful vocals won the hearts of the audience and brought her a well-deserved victory in the show The Voic. Today, the girl continues to delight fans with her projects and creativity.

Ulugbek Kadyrov, @ulugbeknasyrovich

An actor whose roles as romantic and strong young men have won the hearts of many women and made him one of the most sought-after artists in Uzbekistan.

Ravshana Kurkova, @rav_shana

An actress, TV presenter, influencer and charismatic personality. He shares information about his life, thoughts and work on social networks. The light character, positive attitude, as well as the style of the girl are admired by many fans.

Sevara Nazarkhan, @sevara_nazarkhan

A singer and musician who skillfully combines traditional Uzbek music with modern trends. She has released several albums that have been well received both in Uzbekistan and abroad. He admires the ability to modernize traditional Uzbek music while preserving its authenticity and beauty.

Diera Asimova, @diyorik_azimova

A blogger who inspires her subscribers with funny and aesthetic videos about her life. Many people like the girl's content, because she always openly communicates with her audience.

Timur Nazarov, @timur.015

Blogger and content creator. He is known for his YouTube channel and TikTok account, where he creates entertaining videos and shares his experiences with subscribers. People love him for his positive attitude and friendly behavior. In videos, he often expresses his thoughts and feelings in a funny and sincere way.

Umida Odilova, @umidaodi.lova

A popular content creator on TikTok. She won the love of the audience with her creative and unique dance videos. Many people love her for her infectious energy, accessible content and sense of humor.

Yulduz Usmanova, @yulduzibragimovnausmonova

Honored Artist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, known as the Uzbek prima donna. She is also a composer, producer and songwriter. She is known far beyond the borders of the country, thanks to her recognizable style and voice.

Ravshan Irmatov, @ravshan_ermatovuzb

Ravshan Irmatov is known in world football as one of the professional and fair referees. He holds the record for the most matches served in the world, which makes him an even more valuable referee in world football.

Behzod Abduraimov, @behzod _abduraimov

The world-famous pianist hails from Uzbekistan. He has been practicing music since he was five years old. At the age of 18, he won an international competition in the USA, where he continued his education. In 2011, Abduraimov became the exclusive artist of the Decca Classics label. The pianist has four albums on his account, which have been highly praised by international critics. Behzod Abduraimov performs with leading orchestras of many countries, including the USA, Japan and Germany, under the baton of renowned conductors.

Ruslan Nurudinov, @nurudinov_ruslan_weightlifting

Uzbek weightlifter in the weight category up to 105 kilograms. The Olympic champion was born and raised in the Andijan region.

In 2013 and in 2022, he became the world champion, which made him the first Uzbek athlete to win at the international level. He became the Olympic champion in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, setting a record.

Bahodir Yuldashev

Uzbek director, screenwriter and cinematographer. He shot many popular videos of the 2000s by many Uzbek and Russian singers: Nyusha, Shahzoda, A-Studio group, Sogdiana and others.

Bahodir Yuldashev is known throughout Central Asia and in Russia. He has been awarded numerous prizes at international festivals. For his film Ulugbek. Through Thorns to the Stars received the Kineo award at the 74th Venice Film Festival for Best Foreign Documentary. And at the Ischia Film Festival, the film became the Best Documentary. The film starred such famous actors as Vincent Cassel, Armand Assante and Francisco Ovalle.

Sabina Bilenko, @sbilenkoprivate

Founder of the eponymous brand Sabina Bilenko. The girl is from Tashkent. And her brand is confidently conquering Hollywood. Recently, the fame of the brand was brought by the appearance of Paris Hilton in one of their dresses.

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