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15 Central Asian scientific journals where you can publish your work


15 Central Asian scientific journals where you can publish your work

Publication of results is an important step in the process of scientific research. It is significant to choose publications that have a reputation and a readership base. We offer an overview of popular scientific journals in Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan.


Bulletin of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

A scientific journal published by the Kazakhstani center of fundamental science. It is devoted to research in the social sciences, mainly economics and pedagogy. New issues are published six times a year.

Papers of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The scientific journal has been published since 1944. Articles are registered in the Cross Ref Database. Each material is assigned DOI - digital object identifier, which is used to access electronic documents for citation purposes. Works in physics and chemistry are accepted for publication. The periodicity of the issue is four times a year.

Clinical Medicine of Kazakhstan

Multidisciplinary international peer-reviewed medical journal. The main thematic focus is the publication of scientific materials in the field of biomedical science and practice, medical education and public health. The journal is published six times a year.

Bulletin of the National Nuclear Center of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The journal is devoted to fundamental and applied problems of physics, ecology, nuclear energy and knowledge-intensive technologies. It is recommended for publications of materials of candidate and doctoral dissertations on physical and mathematical sciences.

The Eurasian Chemico-technological Journal

Published since 1999 in English. All articles submitted to the journal are reviewed by international experts in the relevant field and members of the international editorial board of the journal. The main focus is chemistry.


Science, New Technologies and Innovations of Kyrgyzstan

International scientific journal, indexed in such electronic libraries and databases as RINC, VAK, KINC, DOAJ. Articles on technical and natural sciences in Kyrgyz, Russian, English and other languages are accepted for publication. It is published every month.

Proceedings of higher educational institutions of Kyrgyzstan

Published since 2001. It mainly publishes the results of dissertation research of young scientists from Kyrgyz universities. The topics of publications are wide: from social and humanitarian to technological sciences.

Proceedings of the Kyrgyz Academy of Education

An international scientific and technical journal founded in 1996. It publishes articles by academicians, professors, doctors and candidates of sciences of Kyrgyzstan. The periodicity is six times a year.

Scientific Research in the Kyrgyz Republiс

This journal includes materials on all scientific directions. They are selected by the editorial commission, which consists of members of expert councils. Scientific articles are distributed as the material is received, but at least once a quarter.

Bulletin of Kyrgyzstan

International scientific and practical journal published since 2016. Included in the list of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission of Kyrgyzstan. Publishes articles in Kyrgyz, Russian and English, four times a year.


Papers of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan

One of the oldest scientific journals in the country. It publishes scientific articles by Uzbek scientists in the fields of mathematics and technical sciences. Languages: Uzbek, Russian, English.

Uzbek Mathematical Journal

A well-known mathematical journal in the region. Since 2018 it has published materials only in English.

Uzbek Biological Journal

The publication publishes materials on major scientific research on various aspects of biology. It is published in Russian and English languages.

Uzbek Physical Journal

The only specialized journal in Uzbekistan in the field of physics. Indexed in WorldCat, elibrary.ru, JINR Science and technology library, German national library, Online Public Access Catalog.


Scientific and theoretical journal devoted to oriental studies. It is published twice a year in Uzbek, Russian and English.

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