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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

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14 kazakh superstitions related to children


14 kazakh superstitions related to children

— A child sneeze implies everything said during the conversation to be true.

— In order to have a boy after having only female children, parents tend to give their girls the names including the stem “ul”, which is translated as a “boy”. For instance, Ulbala, Uldana, Ulbike.

— If a child throws things away saying "Shashu", the family is believed to have a joyful event soon.

— A child’s fontanel is believed to imply his or her happiness. Therefore this part of the head is not welcomed to be touched.

— When a child shows his or her tongue for no reason, news is to come.

— A child guest cannot be upset or let go empty-handed, otherwise well-being will leave the host family.

— The situation when child rests against the ground with hands and looks between his legs implies arrival of the long-awaited guest.

— A child’s firstly trimmed hair must be preserved, otherwise the baby remains unprotected until he or she is forty days or seven months old.

— Parents tend to put a knife, whip or a wood bar under their baby’s pillow. These objects are believed to keep demons and bad spirits away.

— Parents who want their child to be a singer need to feed him or her with a mutton palate.

— The moon shining on a child under forty days old is considered to be a bad omen.

— A child sleeping on his back will be famous, on his side — a pessimist, on his stomach — a thinker. If a child stretches his arms and legs while sleeping, he or she will be fearless.

— The one who drinks water from his or her great-grandson’s palm will definitely go to heaven.

— A child clapping hands forecasts good news to come.

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