Do not throw the hat on the ground. It is believed that all good is predetermined on the forehead of a man, so every person need to be careful with a headdress.
If neighbors bring food, you can not return empty dishes to them. It will tell about your bad manners.
Do not swing the "besik" — a cradle, which has no child it. This can only be done by the one who has no children.
It is bad to step over a child, because he won't grow. Also, do not allow a child to do so in relation to an adult - it expresses disrespect.
Headgear should not be given to another person. This can cause a repetition of the fate of the person who carried it.
An unmarried girl can not wear a scarf with white and black flowers. White - ak zhaulyk, women wear after the birth of a child, and black - as a sign of grief.
You can not run around the house. In the past the owners of the house run around when the enemy was approaching.
It is not allowed to stand in the doorway, to lean hands in the doorpost, and to step on the threshold. It is believed that this is done where there is unhappiness.
It is prohibited to snap with tongue. Snapping in the house means attracting the bad spirits.
You can not walk with your arms crossed. This is a bad omen, as it reminds a prisoner or a convict.
It is a bad sign to prop cheek with your hands. Usually it does a person who is tired of troubles.
It's not allowed to hug the knees. This can lead to the fact that a person will remain without offspring or alone.