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10 YouTube videos from travel bloggers about Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan
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10 YouTube videos from travel bloggers about Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan

We have collected 10 cool videos about travelling in Central Asia. After watching them, you will want to visit these countries.


Kasse Hasanov

Kasse hosts the YouTube channel Travel and dream! On his channel, you can not only watch travels but also learn interesting features of a particular country. He made a video about Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, as well as many other countries

Scott Escapes

After an unbelievable trip to Kazakhstan Scott decided to create a Kazakhstan Travel Guide covering everything he learnt from his time here. He talked about everything from safety, Almaty, the Charyn Canyon and the food in Kazakhstan.

Divert Living

They will take you to explore different areas in this beautiful region of Kazakhstan to see how it is here. In this video you will be shown some of the most amazing places worth seeing, our main point of the trip: where to go, what is the Kazakh culture.

Flying The Nest

They are Stephen, Jess and baby Hunter, full-time traveling family vloggers on YouTube. They want to inspire others to venture out, explore, take risks! They have a passion for travel & videography and create travel series sharing everything from where to stay, what to see and where to eat when traveling the world. They made a video about Kazakhstan.



A solo traveler who travels around the world to one beautiful place at a time and shoots good videos. He also shot a video blog about Kyrgyzstan.

Drew Binsky

There is something really special about Central Asia, and he made a video in which he shared his love for this region, because it is often overlooked. He also already has 3.22 million subscribers on the YouTube channel.

TURDUR with Larisa Bukina

Here you can find videos about different parts of the planet where she has been. Now she is deeply immersed in studying the culture, traditions, beautiful places and people of Kyrgyzstan.



This is Alex and Marco. They love to travel. They have 1.14 million subscribers on the channel. And they shot a video blog about Uzbekistan called Uzbekistan — Why you should visit right now & A Guide to Tashkent, where it gained 630 342 views.

Hello Kazakhstan

Balnur is a Kazakh girl. She made a video titled The legendary cities of Samarkand and Bukhara | Journey to the treasures of the Great Silk Road of Uzbekistan 2022, where she talks about the Uzbek cultural heritage and its treasures. The city of Samarkand, especially Registan Square, amazes tourists with its magnificent and deep history.

Matt and Julia

A British-Russian couple with a passion to explore the world and share stories about the places and people we meet! They shared a video titled Tashkent, Uzbekistan | Why You Need to visit this city! and they talked about their trip. They have 77.4 thousand subscribers on the channel.


Nomad Shubham

This is Shubham. He made a video about his trip in Tajikistan and shares his impressions and shows the places where he was.

The Way Overland

This is Jolie and Mark. They created this channel to showcase the landscapes and culture of the countries they visited along our route, and hopefully give some insight into lesser-known places off the tourist routes. They made a video which called The incredible Tajikistan.

Travel Guru

He uploads videos about traveling to different countries to his channel. He made a video trip called My Tips For a Tour of Central Asia || Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, where he shows not only the beauty of the regions, but also shares his experience.

Central Asia Travel

Central Asia Travel Company suggests to your attention the video collection, which will get you acquainted with the amazing and unique world of Central Asia! With its traditions and customs, architectural sights, original nation and unique extraordinary products of folk handicrafts, masterpieces of national cuisine, unexplored corners of living nature.

Do not spare your precious time, let Central Asia enter your heart for several minutes, and, perhaps, after it you will wish to devote a part of your life to it, to visit this land and save only most wonderful impressions about it in your memory.

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