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10 reasons to visit Ashgabat: why you should travel to Turkmenistan's capital


10 reasons to visit Ashgabat: why you should travel to Turkmenistan's capital

Here’s why you should consider adding this unique and fascinating city to your travel plans.

1. The "City of Love"

Not every capital has such a poetic name. While cities like Astana simply mean "capital" and Dushanbe translates to "Monday," Ashgabat’s name comes from the Turkmen word "ashkhabad," meaning "city of love." "Abad" means "city," and "eshk" translates as love.

2. One of the most Mysterious cities

Ashgabat is among the world’s most enigmatic and little-explored cities. Few tourists visit Turkmenistan, as it remains one of the most closed-off countries. This means you won’t encounter crowds or long lines at its main attractions.

3. Unique architecture

Known for its extraordinary architecture, Ashgabat was almost entirely rebuilt after a major earthquake in 1948. Many buildings are clad in white marble, giving the city a distinctive appearance. Visitors can marvel at grand palaces, monuments, and spacious squares.

4. Space and quiet

Modern architecture in Ashgabat coexists with vast, almost empty areas. Some parts of the city feel nearly deserted, offering a tranquil escape for those seeking relief from bustling metropolises.

5. Nature and desert

Situated in a semi-desert region, Ashgabat endures an extreme climate. Despite its modernity, the city exists under challenging natural conditions, shaping its development and character.

6. Rich historical heritage

Ashgabat has a deep historical connection as a key point on the Silk Road. Visitors can explore ancient fortresses and architectural ruins that highlight its rich past.

7. Culture and traditions

As Turkmenistan’s cultural hub, Ashgabat hosts exhibitions, festivals, and events that showcase the nation’s traditions and art. It’s an excellent destination to immerse yourself in Turkmen culture.

8. Turkmen cuisine

A visit to Ashgabat is incomplete without tasting its local dishes, including pilaf, kebabs, and traditional Turkmen bread.

9. Modern comforts

Despite its historical isolation, Ashgabat offers modern amenities with excellent infrastructure, luxury hotels, shops, and restaurants that ensure a comfortable stay.

10. Warm hospitality

The friendliness and hospitality of the locals will make your time in Ashgabat enjoyable and unforgettable.

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