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10 great private schools in Tashkent with language learning, sections and developed infrastructure


10 great private schools in Tashkent with language learning, sections and developed infrastructure

If you are thinking about which private school to send your child to in the capital of Uzbekistan, we've gathered a list of the best schools that offer quality education.

Global Elite School, @globaleliteschool.uz

Korean private school at the Tashkent State University of Economics. It specializes in learning foreign languages: Russian, English, Korean, Uzbek and Arabic, with an international program. The school also offers a variety of extracurricular activities and sports programs.

Artel Technical School, @artel_technical_school

This private school offers a modern system of education, which has no analogues in Uzbekistan. It follows international educational standards and offers a program that will prepare students to enter universities around the world. The school emphasizes a technical bias in knowledge and leadership development, and cultural education.

The British School of Tashkent, @britishschooltashkent

The school offers a British curriculum, including GCSE and A-Level. The emphasis is on academic development, research and critical thinking skills. The school also offers a wide range of extra-curricular activities including sport and art. The British school is registered and licensed by the Ministry of Education of Uzbekistan.

ABIS Stem Academy, @alberuniyschool

One of the most innovative and modern international elite schools in Uzbekistan. The school combines the British education program and traditional system. The school emphasizes on unlocking the potential and talents of students. Education is provided in five different languages: English, Uzbek, Russian, Arabic, German and Italian.

Tashkent International School, @tashkentinternationalschool

The school follows international educational standards and strives to provide a deep understanding of subjects and help develop research and critical thinking skills in its students. The program includes all compulsory subjects, with an emphasis on the exact sciences. There are also additional courses and extracurricular activities.

COOL KIDS school, @cool_kids_uz

A young and rapidly developing private school in Tashkent. The activity of the institution is licensed in accordance with the law. Upon completion of education, students receive a state certificate. The school with advanced study of the English language strives to develop in students both academic and creative abilities, and sports, offering a variety of courses and programs.

School Academy, @shkolnayakademiya

A full-day educational institution with a continuous learning and educational process. Here, an individual approach to children at every stage of interaction is practiced.

Here they teach Surisem mental arithmetic, which forms a mathematical mindset in children, helps to develop thinking and improve concentration.

Erudite Education School, @eruditetashkent

A private school with its own kindergarten. Much attention is paid to the development of children's logical and critical thinking. The school also actively supports the development of creative thinking and art. There are various sports sections and clubs.

The school aims to prepare students for international universities and develop their skills to interact with the community.

Wise School, @wiseschooltashkent

A private school with all amenities. The classrooms have modern equipment and all the necessary materials for learning. From a technical point of view, the school is one of the leading schools in the capital. There is a huge variety of extracurricular activities for the versatile development of children.

Oxbridge International School, @oisuzbekistan

A school and kindergarten where instruction is in Russian and English. The school and kindergarten have two programs: on the general education standards of the Republic of Uzbekistan and on the basis of the International Baccalaureate. The school offers in-depth study of exact sciences.

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