New York

Peculiar properties
The most populated tate in America. Large economic, tourist and industrial region. In New York the highest taxation in the country. The state ranks second in terms of the number of immigrants. Many ethnic neighbourhoods: Chinese, Russian, Japanese, Polish, Italian, Indian. The most famous Russian-speaking area is Brighton Beach.
New York and other cities in the state considered the best for real-estate investments. The average price of the property in 2019 begins from $500,000. The average cost of studio apartment $2,000.
The state has great working opportunities. Many immigrants receive work visas. New York is a city of opportunities, actions and energy.
North Carolina

Peculiar properties
State with the best preschool education. North Carolina is the tenth economically developed state of the United States. The city of Charlotte is the second-largest banking centre in the United States. Here low unemployment. It is an intellectual centre for narrow specialists.
Large-scale business centre with low cost of utilities. Living here is inexpensive. A private house can be bought for $200,000. There are Russian districts, clubs, schools.
Choose work in the financial, tourism or agriculture sector. There is a demand for farm organic products from North Carolina. Many film companies and large-scale film festivals attract thousands of tourists. In North Carolina were filmed the famous TV show "Homeland" and movies"Iron Man 3", "Hunger Games".

Peculiar properties
Technology centre with low unemployment. In one of the cities no income tax. Good and comfortable climate for living. A popular destination for immigration. The area with a high standard of living. More than 70,000 Russian-speakers, mostly they live in Austin.
The average resident can buy a house. Real estate in the region is the most affordable. The cost of housing varies — budget house in the suburbs of megacities can be bought for $100,000.
Texas ranks fourth in the country in terms of the number of remote employers. There are representative offices of many IT companies: eBay, Apple, PayPal, IBM and Dell. Oil professionals come to Texas because there are large American oil companies.

Peculiar properties
The popular American Thanksgiving holiday was born in Massachusetts. The state unofficially called the state of the bays. Boston is one of the ancientest and richest cities in the United States. There are over 70 universities and colleges, including famous Harvard University. Lovers of vintage cars go to Brooklyn for the oldest Museum in the United States. Among the advantages are information technology, health and higher education. In 2018-2019 Massachusetts was chosen the best state to live in.
The state ranked third in quality of life and fourth in safety. Housing is inexpensive and affordable.
Annual income per person in the state more than $50,000. Mainly represented financial institutions, high-tech, science-intensive industries. In the city, Framingham works car assembly plant of General Motors.

Peculiar properties
This is an industrial state, where the headquarters of the leading corporations Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing. Minnesota is the largest iron ore region in the country. The region is famous for lakes and a large number of reserves. Tourism is one of the most important directions in the state. Shopping lovers interested in Mall of America, one of the largest shopping centres in the world. Mall located near the capital of the state, in Bloomington.
Among Russians demanded residential real estate in Minnesota, located in condominiums. Apartments in the condo quickly sold out for rent and additional income. Housing can cost from $800 per month.
The state has one of the strongest labour markets, low unemployment. Biotechnological companies and medicine are well developed. State companies are leaders in the production and usage of alternative, environmentally friendly energy sources.

Peculiar properties
The state of the great lakes and the world automobile capital. One of the largest financial centres in the United States. There are representative offices of many banks, insurance companies, investment funds and other similar organizations.
Affordable housing is a big advantage of living in Michigan. Here you can earn good money and rent an apartment or quickly save up for a house. Low-interest rates on real estate.
The main focus in the economy and for work in Michigan will be the automotive industry. Detroit is home to the headquarters of American car manufacturers: General Motors, Ford Motor Company, and Chrysler. In the state large number of ports.
North Dakota

Peculiar properties
One of the multinational States, where live ethnic Germans, Norwegians, French, Irish, Swedes, Russians, British and Indians. North Dakota is home to a large number of theatres, fine arts museums and music centres.
Low government taxes and the opportunity to buy affordable housing.
The average income per person — 47,000$. The main direction of work is agricultural products. The state is engaged in the cultivation of flax-curls, wheat, sunflower, rye. On the territory of North Dakota placed two major US Air Force bases. Here is the main office of the famous company Bobcat Company, engaged in the manufacture of agricultural and construction equipment. In recent years, large IT companies, such as Microsoft, have opened divisions in North Dakota.

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The northernmost and largest tourist centre of America. People come to Alaska for adventures, extreme, connection with nature. Benefits for immigrants are a high standard of living, social support, decent wages. Allocate quality education and health care.
Alaska is one of the most tax-friendly states. This is the only state with no sales tax or income tax. There is an opportunity to profitably buy a house.
The most profitable for employment companies are in the oil industry, as well as in the fishing industry. The average salary here is up to $15 per hour.

Peculiar properties
State of endless beaches, Hollywood, Silicon Valley and the richest in America. The capital of California is Sacramento, although the most popular cities are San Francisco and Los Angeles. The best shopping in the glamorous Beverly Hills. Here concentrated the most prestigious brands and many shops periodically closed to serve only one client. California has a well-developed tourism sector, many opportunities for a family holiday, entertainments, and a pleasant climate. More than 150,000 Russian speakers in Los Angeles.
Housing prices in California are high starting from $550,000. But it possible to find cheap rental apartments. The peculiarity of the state is the ability to provide housing from the employer. The average price of renting a house in California is $2,500 per month.
People come to the state to do business and work in the field of IT, technology, economics and physics. The average income is $80,000.

Peculiar properties
The capital of Washington — Olympia, the largest cities are Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma. The unofficial name of Washington is "Evergreen State" because of greenery and trees. The birthplace of grunge and a special culture of coffee drink. Many branches of American coffee shops founded in Seattle.
The absence of income tax and franchise tax is a big plus of Washington. But property prices are high. The average price of the house begins from $379,000.
One of the most promising areas for obtaining a work visa to the United States. The headquarters of famous American companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, Google and Boeing concentrated here.
We thank for the help in creating the article Ilya Levyantu, Anna Kesanyan, Dilyara Akhmetova, Valeria Arabskaya, Anastasia Kasperovich, Yulia Kryukovaya.