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Young and successful: 5 directors that Kazakhstanis are proud of


Young and successful: 5 directors that Kazakhstanis are proud of

We talk about young directors from Kazakhstan, whose work inspires.

Aitore Zholdaskali, @aitore.qazaqbro


Aitore directed the popular web-series "Sheker", which collected millions of views and won the Short-form/Web Drama nomination at the Asia Contents Awards international competition in South Korea. Now the director is working on his new project Shulamah.

Kuanysh Beisekov, @kukabeisek


Kuanysh is the director of the Irina Kairatovna team. This summer, he released the "Yelim-ai" Education project, within which he shot a video for the composition “Farewell” from Fatbelly, as well as a video for Yenlik.

Kanat Beisekeyev, @beisekeyev


Kanat tells interesting and unique stories in his films. His documentaries can be viewed on a YouTube channel called "Kana Beisekeyev". The popular Zamandas podcast is also aired here, where the director and his friend Yerzhan meet with popular contemporaries and discuss current topics.

Medet Shayakhmetov, @medet.pbc


Medet graduated from the New York Film Academy. Among the works of the talented director are films "Q-eli", "Brothers", "Escape", clips for songs by Jah Khalib, Scryptonite, Moldanazar and many others.

Aisultan Seitov, @aisultan


Aisultan shot videos for Joji, Offset, 21 Savage and other artists. On December 1, the director will present his debut film "Kash", which the people of Kazakhstan are looking forward to.

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