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Winter gift-bringers: Names for Santa Claus in Transcaucasia and Asia


Winter gift-bringers: Names for Santa Claus in Transcaucasia and Asia

Georgia — Tovlis Babua

Tovlis babua is a gray-haired old man with a long beard, dressed in a black or white chokha with a white burka "nabadi", on his head he has a traditional svan cap. Tovlis babua brings gifts to children in his big bag "khurdjini".

Kazakhstan — Ayaz Ata

Ayaz Ata is a winter god and a fictional tale character. He greets guests with his granddaughter Akshakar in his residence. He was created of Moonlight and caused by cold weather.

Armenia — Kaghand Papa

Kaghand Papa is an Armenian Santa Claus surrounded by mythological creatures: "khlvliki" – noisy and active men and "aralezy" – half animal, half man. Kaghand Papa congratulates children with his granddaughter Dzyunanushik.

Uzbekistan — Qor bobo

Qor bobo dressed in striped clothing and a red hat meets guests with his granddaughter Korgyz and rides a donkey because of lack of the snow in Uzbekistan.

Azerbaijan — Saxta Baba

According to the legend, Saxta Baba descends from the high snowy mountains to meet guests in his residence with granddaughter Qarqiz.

Mongolia — Uvlin Uvgun

He is wearing a fur coat, a large fox hat and looks like a shepherd. He has a long whip in his hand, and two helpers — snowgirl and New Year boy.

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