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Who's Who: Dildora Kasymova


Who's Who: Dildora Kasymova

Every week, in the “Who's Who” section, we talk about modern people from Central Asia who create our reality and future. The new hero is the designer and founder of the Dildora Kasymova brand from Uzbekistan.

Dildora Kasimova @dildorakasimova is the designer and founder of the eponymous Dildora Kasimova brand.

Dildora Kasimova Tashkent

Dildora is originally from Tashkent. Since childhood, she has been in love with the style of traditional fabrics of Uzbekistan and already clearly knew who she wanted to become. Her mother worked at a textile factory, where the girl spent a lot of time.

In 1999, she entered the College of Light Textile Industry, in 2005 she continued her studies in her chosen specialty at the K. Behzod Institute of National Art and Design.

Dildora is also a graduate of the Paris International Academy of Fashion Modeling and Design.

At the age of 20, she presented her first collection at the La grand plaza hotel in the spring of 2006 as part of a seasonal show from the House of Style.

Since that time, Dildora has presented her collections annually at the Fashion Week of Uzbekistan Style.uz.

Dildora Kasymova's main goal and dream was to establish her own brand, which she eventually managed to achieve. In 2007, the Dildora Kasimova brand was founded. In 2023, the brand's boutique opened in Tashkent. Things can also be found in the ZH Selected concept store in Almaty. There is also a mono boutique of the brand in the new Taskent City Mall.

International experts and fashion fans highly appreciated the design and cut of clothes, having seen the brand at shows in different countries such as Italy, Kazakhstan, Korea and Russia.

Each collection of the brand is an elegant worship of the East. The peculiarity of the brand is the ability to combine traditions and unique heritage with modern trends in the fashion world.

The designer strives to popularize the traditional culture and art of Uzbekistan using traditional fabrics and folk techniques such as gold embroidery, suzane, embroidery with semi-precious stones and wood carving. The models are always feminine and elegant, with unique oriental patterns and elegant decor.

Dildora emphasizes that clothes are the only way to express a person's individuality.

The designer's works are recognized not only by compatriots, but also by foreign guests of Uzbekistan. In 2009, Chopard jewelry house chose an outfit from the Secret of Dawn collection for a presentation display of its jewelry. The brand's clothes are worn by world-famous personalities, including Saudi Princess Maha Al-Sudari, designer Ulyana Sergeeva and public figure Sheikh Mozu. The Dildora brand is very popular among the stars of Central Asia.


"I chose this profession because I like to create beauty by highlighting a person through clothes. I want people to be as unique externally as they are inside."

"A designer is not a profession, but a way of life, a way of thinking and an opportunity to be yourself."

"What kind of request we have is the result. In life, everything falls into place, everything goes as it should — only when we do a lot of internal work."

"When you make the slightest effort, you will definitely be lucky, when you make the maximum effort, success will spin you around in its pleasant bustle and activity."

"There is always painstaking and routine work behind a beautiful visual."

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