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Winter activities in Astana: where to find slides, skating rinks, and equipment rentals


Winter activities in Astana: where to find slides, skating rinks, and equipment rentals

With the arrival of winter, Astana transforms into a true city of entertainment. There's something for everyone here: from skating on ice arenas to sledding and tubing down snowy slopes. We've gathered the best spots for a fun time, weather permitting!

Triathlon Park

The park annually features a themed slide and skating rink styled after the iconic series Game of Thrones. For convenience, there are changing rooms, skate and tubing rentals, and a café where visitors can warm up and grab a bite.

Presidential Park

Presidential Park is home to the city's largest slide. Two 20-meter-long slopes have been delighting residents and visitors for years. The location is decorated with bright fairy lights, creating a festive atmosphere.


One of the most popular skating rinks in the city can accommodate up to 150 people. The rink offers warm changing rooms, skate rentals, and several food outlets, ensuring a comfortable experience for all visitors.

MEGA Shopping and Entertainment Center

The skating rink at MEGA provides a comfortable environment for skating. Visitors can rent skates for adults and children or bring their own. This indoor rink, which accommodates up to 150 people, operates year-round.

Alau Ice Palace

The spacious rink at Alau Ice Palace is adorned with garlands that stretch from the center to the edges, creating a luminous dome. Visitors can skate independently or with the guidance of an experienced trainer.

Yesil River Embankment

The embankment is a traditional hub for winter activities. Each year, it features an ice town, a snow carousel, a skating rink, and ski tracks. Nearby, rental points offer skates and snowboards, while food stalls provide warm drinks and snacks.

Almaty District

In residential areas of the Almaty District, themed winter playgrounds with skating rinks and ice slides open during the season. Equipment for winter sports can be rented here, making it accessible to everyone.

Koktal Park

In winter, Koktal Park offers a skating rink, slides, and even activity zones with animators. Nearby, rental points and cozy cafés make for a fun and comfortable outing.

Akbulak River Embankment

The Akbulak River embankment transforms into a picturesque winter retreat. A massive skating rink and illuminated ice slides create a magical atmosphere.

ZhasStar Palace and the Square near the Akimat

Each year, a New Year’s tree, ice slide, and skating rink are set up near ZhasStar Palace. The square in front of the Akimat hosts a winter town featuring one of the city's tallest trees, ice sculptures, and photo zones. Nearby, coffee shops and rental points add to the festive charm.

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