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7 best bazaars in Dushanbe and Khujand: where to shop in Tajikistan


7 best bazaars in Dushanbe and Khujand: where to shop in Tajikistan

Markets or bazaars are essential shopping spots for the residents of Tajikistan. In the country’s bazaars, you can find everything from fresh produce and rare spices to unique antiques. Here’s a selection of the most popular markets in Dushanbe and Khujand.


Mehrgon Market

Mehrgon Market is one of the most beautiful and spacious bazaars in Dushanbe, having opened its doors in 2014. It has become an important city landmark due to its impressive design and diverse range of goods.

Kushoniyon Market

The Kushoniyon construction market, located in the northern part of the city, has become the largest in its segment. Two years ago, traders from the demolished Jal-Jam market were relocated here, as well as entrepreneurs who previously operated at the closed Sultan Kabir market for building materials and household appliances.

Korvon Market

Korvon Market is the largest wholesale market in Tajikistan. Currently, it is undergoing extensive renovations to improve trading conditions and attract more customers.

Sakhovat Market

Sakhovat Market primarily sells agricultural products and essential goods.


Panjshanbe Market

Panjshanbe Market is a vibrant indoor bazaar and one of the highlights of Khujand, located in the city center. Opposite it lies the mausoleum of Sheikh Muslihiddin. The unique architecture and decor of this market draw attention, as its construction began in the mid-20th century and was completed in 1964.

Atush Bazaar

Atush Bazaar, located in Khujand, is popular among locals and visitors from other cities in the Sughd region. Here, you can find a wide range of goods at affordable prices.

Somon Market

This market is also one of the larger clothing markets in Khujand, situated opposite Atush Market.

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