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Swimming pools in Samarkand: the best places for swimming and relaxation


Swimming pools in Samarkand: the best places for swimming and relaxation

Samarkand is renowned for its historical landmarks and cultural heritage. While you may already know which attractions to visit in this city, we will guide you on where to swim and relax in Samarkand.

Delfin, @goldenpages.uz

Delfin is a specialized sports school for water sports. The pool operates from 7 AM to 9 PM, allowing you to unwind after a long day at work. The school specializes in water polo, swimming, and diving.

Aqua SPA Basseyn, @aquaspauz

Aqua SPA Basseyn is a pool in Samarkand. You can book your visit on their website. The facility features a Turkish bath, sauna, and various SPA treatments. The pool is 20 meters long, and professional swimming coaching services are also available.

Mirage SPA&Wellness, @silkroad_by_minyoun

Mirage SPA&Wellness is a center for leisure and business tourism. The center offers accommodations, a restaurant, and a water park. You can enjoy a range of relaxation areas, including indoor and outdoor pools, a Finnish sauna, a traditional hammam, and a modern gym.

Born2swim, @born2swim.samarkand

Born2swim is a swimming pool in Samarkand focused on teaching children under eight years old how to swim. The facility employs qualified coaches and offers both group and individual lessons. For the comfort and convenience of children, there are both small and large pools.

Hayat plaza, @hayatplaza.hotel

Hayat plaza is a hotel in Samarkand featuring a heated pool. For complete relaxation, Hayat Plaza also offers a sauna, hammam, steam room, and various SPA treatments.

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