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Who's Who: Leyla Usmanova


Who's Who: Leyla Usmanova

Every week in the column "Who is Who" we talk about modern people from Central Asia, who create our reality and future. The new hero is Leyla Usmanova, an entrepreneur from Uzbekistan, founder of Thellia Esthetic, Man Ray Clinik, the official distributor of professional European medical cosmetics in the country.

Leyla Usmanova @loftgallery — founder of Thellia Esthetic LCC. and Man Ray Clinic, exclusive distributor of professional medical cosmetics and equipment in Uzbekistan.

Leila Usmanova

Leyla is a native of Tashkent, graduated from the University of World Economy and Diplomacy. In 1998, she received a scholarship at the Umid Foundation. This is one of the first foundations to organize study abroad for citizens of Uzbekistan. Thanks to the Umid Foundation, the future businesswoman received a master's degree in International Trade Law from John Marshall Law School in Chicago. Leyla was also among the students who personally met with the First President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Islam Karimov in the United States.

After her studies, Leyla Usmanova worked at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and then began teaching at Tashkent State Law University. She also lived abroad and worked in the health sector, in Canada.

Upon returning to her homeland, Leyla knew what she wanted to do. Therefore, in 2017, Thellia Esthetic LCC was founded. Today, it is the leading company in the field of cosmetology in Uzbekistan.

Gradually, the business developed, soon the Man Ray Clinik was opened, and then a store with the same name.

Despite great success in law and business, Leyla always wanted to connect her life with painting and art. The birth of her son prompted her to start an art account called Loft Gallery, where she broadcasts her love for creativity.

Leyla strives to make a difference in this world, to help Uzbek women and their children, and to leave her mark on history.


"Dependency is suffocating. When you become dependent on circumstances or someone human, you automatically lose your freedom".

"All successful people started out with a dream".

"I can live freely and do what I love to do".

"We always have 10 seconds to make an impression".

"Live honestly and never say anything unnecessary".

"Love will save the world, the whole world revolves around this feeling".

"In any profession, especially when working for yourself, the paramount quality is patience".

"I believe that there is some force that distributes human resources according to its capabilities, peculiarities and necessity. And I would like all these resources to be directed towards creation".

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