We have compiled a large list of sites that will be useful for researchers and scientists from different fields of science.
A free search engine for scientific publications. Ranks articles by author, citation, and place of publication. It allows you to collect all the materials in one place so as not to lose them in the process.
A platform where you can find a lot of interesting research materials. Currently, more than 93 million publications from 25,000 scientific journals from around the world are available.
The site is from the National Medical Library. This database was founded in 2000 and includes more than seven million scientific records on medicine, biology and related sciences.
A website that brings together 4,717,686 scientific publications from 655 educational institutions around the world. The range of topics is wide: from art to law.
A repository of electronic articles in the fields of mathematics, physics, astronomy, computer science, biology, statistics and finance.
A division of Oxford University, which works on the search for scientific articles in English and their further release. Reference literature from various fields is collected here.
A platform that provides access to more than 15 million resources — articles, book sections, conference proceedings, protocols and videos. Announcements of international scientific competitions are also published here.
The NASA Publications Repository, which provides open access to peer-reviewed articles resulting from research funded by the organization. It will be useful to everyone who works in the field of aerospace industry.
The platform was created by a non-profit organization whose goal is to provide young scientists with open access to research and scientific literature. Here you can find not only articles, but also images, videos, working methods and much more.
A program that allows you to collect quotations indicating sources, save PDF-documents, web pages, videos and other files, links to interesting materials and create personal bibliographies on topics.
An open source bibliographic reference manager. It is useful for anyone who writes articles or scientific papers. It allows you to correctly design the sources used and set up your own system, which is easy to navigate.
A large database in which you can find almost 10 million publications. A distinctive feature is that the information is presented in 80 different languages.