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Where to learn to play musical instruments in Astana


Where to learn to play musical instruments in Astana

It's never too late to learn, especially if your heart tells you to. We have compiled a selection of teaching schools in the city for those who have been waiting for a better moment.

Ne Shkola Barabanov, @neshkolabarabanov_astana

The largest drum school in the city. They teach from scratch, bring all students to the result, give the first visit for free.

Address: st. Seyitkali Mendeshev, 11

More Than Piano School, @bolshe.chem.piano.astana


A school for adults where they will teach you how to play from scratch without boring theory. Trial lesson is free. They have two points: on the right and left banks.

Address: st. Imanov, 17 / st. Sarayshyk, 7/1

Qurmangazy Music Academy, @qurmangazy.musicacademy.kz

A music school that teaches adults not only on ordinary musical instruments, but also on national ones, such as kobyz and dombra. They have two branches on the left bank.

Address: st. Kerey-Zhanibek Khandar, 22 / Kabanbay Batyr Ave., 56B

PIANO, @piano.astana

A creative center that teaches individual courses for children and adults. Now 50% is valid when registering for the first individual lesson.

Address: 28 Koshkarbaev Ave. / st. Chingiz Aitmatov, 34

Talant Studio, @talant_studio

Here they promise a quick result and training on such instruments as dombra, guitar and piano.

Address: Mangilik Yel ave., 19

Amanat Music, @amanat_music

Multifunctional arts center founded by singer Saule Zhanpeisova. They help everyone who wants to get closer to music. Learn to play the piano dombra, violin and guitar.

Address: 11 Kabanbay Batyr Ave.

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