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Gravity, Bootlegger, and 8 more bars in Tashkent for the best parties


Gravity, Bootlegger, and 8 more bars in Tashkent for the best parties

From secret Greco-Roman hideouts to private clubs with world-renowned DJs — here are 10 places in Tashkent to have a great night out.

Zévon, @zevon.bar

Location: 35 Abdulla Qodiriy Street

zevon бар ташкент

A secret bar with a Greco-Roman theme, featuring a long bar counter and an extensive drink menu. The décor is particularly surprising — Zeus himself seems to emerge from the walls!

Bootlegger, @bootleggerbar.uz

Location: 2 Niyozbek Yuli Street

где тусоваться в ташкенте

A private bar accessible to residents only. Every weekend, Bootlegger hosts performances by top DJs from around the world.

The Wknd, @thewknd_bar

Location: 12A Turkistan Street

A multi-format grill bar with fusion cuisine, open only four days a week: Thursday, Friday, and weekends.

Maqom, @maqom_bar

Location: 77 Sharaf Rashidov Avenue

A music bar with live music once a week and DJ performances. On hot days, guests can relax on the summer terrace.

Bla Bla Bar, @blablabar.uz

Location: 31B Shakhrisabz Street

лучшие бары ташкента

A bar open every day of the week, featuring daily performances by guest artists of various genres.

Gravity, @gravitybar.tashkent

Location: 47A 1st Mirobod Passage


A club-style contact bar with a private guest list. You can only enter with a resident.

CMI, @cmibar

Location: 68 Qori-Niyazi Street

A bar with numerous promotions and contests, hosting parties of various formats every week.

Q-Bar, @qbar_tashkent

Location: 2 Afrosiab Street

заведения для лучших вечерних посиделок в ташкенте

An atmospheric bar with live music. Special promotions are held every Thursday for club members.

Seven Fridays, @75tashkent

Location: 4 3rd Niyozbek Yuli Passage

The first music venue in Tashkent with a spacious concert hall, offering cocktails with unusual names and preparation methods.

Steam, @steambar_uz

Location: 2 Niyozbek Yuli Street

крутые бары в ташкенте

A bar where you can try legendary Texas BBQ and spend the evening in the largest karaoke hall. Every Wednesday, there are performances by popular stand-up comedians from Uzbekistan.

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