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Where to go to become an IT specialist: the best universities in Kazakhstan
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Where to go to become an IT specialist: the best universities in Kazakhstan

How in demand are IT fields

In today's world, the role of IT specialists is becoming more and more important and in demand. The advancement of technology has led to it becoming an integral part of every business and society at large.

From web developers and programmers to data analysts, IT professionals play a key role in building and maintaining digital infrastructure. In a world where data is becoming the new currency, cybersecurity professionals are needed to protect sensitive information from cyber threats.

Айтишники в Казахстане

The high demand for IT specialists provides programmers with wide career opportunities and good salaries. Moreover, as the IT sphere develops, new areas of specialization are emerging, from artificial intelligence to blockchain, which expands the horizons of opportunities for professionals.

Being an IT professional in today's world is not only attractive in terms of work and money, but also strategically important for success in a dynamic and digital economy.

To become a successful IT professional, it is important not only to have technical skills, but also to have an analytical mindset, a creative approach to problem solving, and the ability to constantly learn and adapt to new market demands. It is these qualities that help IT specialists to remain in demand and successful in the long term.

In this material we will tell about the best universities in Kazakhstan to study for a programmer after the 11th grade.

What specialties there are in the IT-sphere

Software developers or programmers

Programmers are engaged in the creation of software: from mobile applications and websites to corporate management systems and gaming applications. Software developers must have a deep knowledge of programming languages, understand the principles of development and be able to work in a team to achieve the goals of an IT project.

System Administrators

Responsible for installing, configuring and maintaining computer systems and networks in an organization. They ensure continuous operation of servers, network hardware and software, manage user access to network resources, ensure data security and backup of information.

Cybersecurity specialists

Protect IT systems, networks and data from cyber threats such as viruses, hacker attacks and cybercrime. They develop strategies to protect information, install and configure IT security tools, analyze vulnerabilities in systems, and respond to security incidents.

IT analysts

Analyze an organization's business processes and needs to determine the best ways to use technology to achieve business goals. They collect data, develop information systems, optimize and evaluate the effectiveness of implemented solutions.

Artificial intelligence and machine learning specialists

They develop and apply machine learning algorithms and models to analyze data, automate processes, and create IT systems. They work with large amounts of data, use various methods such as: neural networks, classification and clustering algorithms to solve a variety of problems in various fields, including medicine, finance, advertising and other areas.

Database specialists

Responsible for developing, managing and maintaining the databases that store an organization's information. They define database structure, create and optimize queries to retrieve data, ensure data security and integrity, backup and restore information from IT systems when necessary.

Web developers

Create websites, applications and interfaces for users on the internet. Work with a variety of IT technologies and tools such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP to create interactive and engaging resources that meet users' needs and expectations.

QA engineers or quality assurance specialists

Responsible for ensuring high quality software by developing and implementing testing strategies, automating tests, detecting and debugging bugs, and ensuring that the product meets requirements and quality standards.

What subjects to take to get into IT

Предметы для айтишников


Mathematical analysis, algebra, and geometry — these subjects provide the foundation for understanding the complex algorithms and methods used in technology. Math allows programmers to develop analytical thinking, learn to solve complex problems, and pass tests with distinction.

Computer Science

This course includes the study of basic computer science concepts such as data structures, algorithms, and databases. By studying this discipline, programmers learn various languages, how to work with databases, and how to create efficient IT algorithms. Computer science is the most important discipline in the list of exams to be taken.


The subject plays an important role in understanding the principles of IT systems and electronics. Studying physics allows programmers to learn to understand the basics of electricity, magnetism and electronics, which is especially useful for working with the hardware of computers and communication devices.


Knowledge of this subject is essential for working with academic and professional literature in technology, much of which is available in English. In most top institutions, programmers are taught in English.

Also, IT professionals and programmers are often faced with the need to communicate with international colleagues and clients. Therefore, proficiency in English is a key skill for a successful career in IT.

10 best universities in Kazakhstan to study to be a programmer

Университеты Казахстана

Nazarbayev University

The Department of Computer Science consists of 30 professors and 1200 students-programmers. Educational IT programs are developed in cooperation with iCarnegie. They comply with ACM and IEEE recommendations.

The university follows a learning by doing approach: providing programmers with practical experience to complement theoretical knowledge. Courses provide opportunities to learn collaboratively and interact with other subjects.

The department provides access to research in different IT fields. You can study in programs on artificial intelligence, data science, mobile devices, computer networks, Internet of Things, bioinformatics, biomedical engineering, big data, data analytics, machine learning, information security, cyber forensics and modeling, and systems verification.


A world-class entrepreneurial and socially responsible university. Students here can study two specialties in the IT sphere at once under the Major+Minor program. In addition, future programmers consolidate theoretical knowledge and gain experience through practical training, internships and joint projects with partner companies.

Students can study in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English. In the specialties Business IT Analytics and Big Data and Software Engineering, education takes place only in English.

Esil University

The leading university of Astana with more than twenty years of development history. Its mission is to train competitive IT specialists for smart economy and entrepreneurship. Graduated programmers work in government agencies, IT centers and metropolitan banks, joint-stock companies and international companies.

More than 85% of graduates are employed after graduation. According to the results of the rating of NPP Atameken, almost all educational programs of the University were included in the top in Kazakhstan.

Different IT disciplines are taught at the department of Information Systems and Technologies. At Esil University you can study applied programming, machine learning, systems and networks development, data management, systems development and administration, web-programming and not only.

Astana IT University

A leader in innovative IT education and science with strong academic traditions. It is an excellent choice for studying after 11th grade.

The goal of the university is to provide quality training in the IT sphere on an interdisciplinary basis. To enter here, you need to pass math and computer science.

Programming students have the opportunity to study for one trimester in another country as a student of a foreign university without interrupting their studies at Astana IT University.

Satbayev University

Provides students with a wide range of opportunities for development and successful career in IT. The study programs cover relevant topics, offering students theoretical knowledge and practical skills.

The university provides programmers with access to state-of-the-art laboratories, equipment and software so that they can learn practical research. The curriculum is oriented towards industry standards. Satbayev University maintains cooperation with leading companies, providing students with internship opportunities and practical experience.

Satbayev University has developed a modern tool — «Digital Map of Practice Bases», which facilitates the process of organizing and monitoring practical training of programmers.

International University of Information Technologies

The only IT university in Kazakhstan, which in 2019 received international accreditation ASIIN and passed the procedure of official confirmation of compliance with international standards.

The university has departments of «Digital Transformation» and «Computer Technologies and Cybersecurity». MUIT partners are international scientific and educational organizations from the USA, Germany, Russia, France, Switzerland, Korea, Malaysia, China and other countries. Programmers from this institution can study under a suitable exchange program at a partner organization.

The percentage of employed MUIT graduates is always stably high: about 90% of the total number.

Kazakhstan-British Technical University

One of the most prestigious universities in the country. It has an experienced teaching staff, which consists of professors from all over the world, and educational programs are accredited by international specialists. To enter KBTU you need to pass computer science and math.

The Faculty of Information Technology is the largest faculty, where almost a thousand future programmers are educated.

The university has KBTU Startup Incubator — an organization that supports IT initiatives of students, invites foreign lecturers, organizes master classes and allows them to learn from specialists.

KBTU is the only Kazakhstani university that has received international accreditation by the US ABET agency for all computer specialties.

Gumarbek Daukeev Almaty University of Power Engineering and Communications

One of the leading technical universities not only in Central Asia, which trains personnel in energy, telecommunications, programming, IT and cyber security, space engineering, robotics and artificial intelligence.

The university trains programmers through college, bachelor's, master's and PhD programs. 95% of graduates are employed within a year of graduation, and 90% of students study on a grant.

Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University

The University provides high quality innovative engineering education, research and entrepreneurship for sustainable socio-economic development of the country.

The departments of the Faculty of Innovative Technologies provide training in 13 popular educational programs of bachelor's and master's degree. Training is conducted on the basis of CISCO Network Academy and IT Industry Center, including laboratories of leading IT companies — ERP-company, Gexabyte, Wooppay, X-net.

As part of training world-class programmers, since 2011 the faculty has been successfully operating the RD-lab of EPAM Systems, whose graduates work not only in IT-companies of the region and the country, but also abroad. Here you can study cybersecurity, robotics, programmers, technical support staff and more.

SDU University

A large educational and scientific institution that trains programmers at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences. Students study IT and mathematics, independently choosing the subjects they wish to develop in - programming, mobile and web application development, 3D modeling, data processing, machine learning, artificial intelligence or other areas.

In 2018, SDU University was ranked first in the rating of bachelor's degree programs in the specialty Information Systems in the rating of an independent quality assurance agency in Kazakhstan.


To be an IT specialist in the modern world means to strive for creativity and constant development. Kazakhstan has great opportunities for those who want to become an IT specialist after 11th grade. A large number of universities offer unique and innovative training programs for programmers.

In the rapidly developing IT sector, you will find many interesting projects, startups and companies where you can gain experience and skills as a programmer. In addition, the country's active IT community offers seminars, events and training programs that will help you broaden your horizons and deepen your knowledge in your chosen field.

Don't forget that it is possible to study online: many courses and subjects are available to learn IT skills and become a programmer from anywhere in the world. It is important to remember that becoming a successful IT expert requires not only technical education, but also constant training, self-education and practice.

Sources of knowledge are not limited by country borders, so look for opportunities that are right for you, move towards your goals with confidence and perseverance and become a real expert.

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