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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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Where to get a good education in Baku: top 10 schools in the capital


Where to get a good education in Baku: top 10 schools in the capital

We have compiled a list of the top 10 schools in the capital of Azerbaijan, where students receive a high-quality education, develop leadership skills, and prepare for a successful future.

Baku Oxford School, @bakuoxfordschoolofficial

This school combines modern technology with a traditional approach to education. Here, you will find comfortable classrooms and innovative educational programs aimed at the comprehensive development of students.

British School, @britishschool.az

The school focuses on developing leadership qualities in students. Teachers actively help children develop organizational skills and self-confidence.

Dunya IB School, @dunyaschool

Known for its strong science and arts programs, this school offers students opportunities for in-depth study of technical subjects, as well as fostering creative abilities in art clubs.

Texniki Humanitar Lisey

This lyceum values open dialogue between teachers and students, creating a comfortable educational environment and solving any arising issues effectively.

Baku Modern School, @bakumodernschool

The school emphasizes preparing students for the modern world by offering various self-development courses.

Landau School, @landau_school

Here, creative initiatives by students are encouraged, and numerous opportunities for their development are provided.

Sabis Sun International School, @sabissuninternational.school

This school actively develops international connections and cooperation, giving students the opportunity to exchange experiences and cultures with peers from other countries.

European Azerbaijan School, @europeanazerbaijanschool

This school places a special emphasis on environmental education and sustainable development, organizing various activities to help students develop a broad worldview.

Maestro School, @maestroschool.az

The school actively engages in social projects and volunteer activities, helping students develop a sense of social responsibility and empathy.

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