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5 taxi services in Bishkek with high comfort and safety levels


5 taxi services in Bishkek with high comfort and safety levels

There are many convenient taxi services available in Bishkek that allow you to order a car quickly and easily. Let’s look at five popular taxi ordering services in Bishkek, each of which has its own features for a comfortable ride.

Deluxe Taxi, deluxetaxikg

You can order Deluxe Taxi in Bishkek via the app. The pickup location is automatically determined. The app allows you to customize your ride: add preferences, play your favorite music, and pay with cash, card, or bonuses. If necessary, you can easily edit the order, and track the driver’s location via the built-in chat. Advance booking is also available.

Bitaxi, bitaxi.kg

You can order a taxi through the app or by calling an operator. Available options include standard, comfort, business, minivan, airport, and sober driver rates, as well as a peak hour option for moments of traffic jams. Payment can be made both in cash and by card.

Yandex Go, go.yandex

A familiar app for ordering taxis. You can order a car by phone, through the Yandex Go app, or on the website.

SMS Taxi, smstaxi.kg

SMS Taxi in Bishkek is a taxi service that can be ordered through the call center or app. The service uses GPS meters to calculate the route, with rates available for comfort, standard, minivans for larger groups, and transfers from the airport to the city.

Taxi "Udacha", udacha.tvoe.taxi

Taxi "Udacha" is a 24/7 taxi service in Bishkek. You can order a taxi via the website, mobile app, or by calling an operator.

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