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    [SRC] => /upload/resize_cache/iblock/90b/400_450_240cd750bba9870f18aada2478b24840a/90b66f6eb97bdb0a838048d7e7cacfa3.jpg
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Where to find beautiful festive installations in Almaty


Where to find beautiful festive installations in Almaty

Skin First, @skin_first

skin first.jpg

A beautiful festive installation with a neon sign appeared in front of the beauty cosmetics store Skin First.

Address: 54 Kurmangazy St.

Forum Almaty, @forum_almaty


Source: @ulanmedeuu

Forum Almaty is one of the most popular places for photo shoots, and this year it is decorated as festively as possible.

Address: 617 Seifullin St.

French House, @french_house_kazakhstan

french house.jpg

Source: @sxodim

For several years, opposite the French House, it has been festively decorated with bright garlands.

Address: 187a Nazarbayev Ave.

Esentai Mall, @esentai.mall


Source: @ekaterina_benesh_photo

On the territory of the Esentai Mall there is always a beautiful installation and Christmas tree, this time they also added an interesting light inscription.

Address: 77/8 Al-Farabi Ave.

Dostyk Plaza, @dostykplaza


This year, Dostyk Plaza is decorated in a truly magical way, which allows you to choose several places for a good shot.

Address: 111 Samal – 2 microdistrict

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