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Where to eat in Astana: 30 restaurants of Georgian, Korean, Turkish and other cuisines of the world


Where to eat in Astana: 30 restaurants of Georgian, Korean, Turkish and other cuisines of the world

We made a selection of establishments in the city where you can taste dishes from various cuisines of the world and get acquainted with the culture of other countries.

Kazakh cuisine

Qazaq Gourmet, @qazaq.gourmet

Guests are given the opportunity to make a journey through the traditions of Kazakh cuisine, to witness the revival of ancient recipes of nomads.

Tary Coffe, @tary.coffee

A new modern institution in ethnic style. Here you can learn the history of each national dish and taste natural dairy products.

Mexican cuisine


El Burrito, @el_burritoo_

This establishment serves Mexican cuisine: burritos, tacos, bowls, quesadillas, nachos and others.

Nopal, @nopal.kz

Authentic Mexican cuisine. Mexican chefs prepare the most delicious burritos.

German cuisine

Muller, @mullerastana

An institution with German and European cuisine. It offers free Wi-Fi, parking and live music.

Brazilian cuisine

Rio, @rio_astana

A hot corner of Brazil in Astana. Chef Roberto Santos will cook for you. Traditional Brazilian dishes are served here.

Indian and Pan-Asian cuisine


Koktem, @cafekoktem

Plenty of seating, atmospheric music, a great selection of food. There is also a flyer and the opportunity to order fast food.

The India Gate, @theindiagate.kz

This restaurant serves Indian cuisine. One of the most colorful places in the capital.

Uzbek cuisine


Kok-saray, @koksaray_astana

“Proper Uzbek cuisine”, this is how the institution positions itself. Pilaf, manti and lagman - for each position you will find what is closer to your taste.

"Our Uzbek", @nashauzbechka

An institution of Uzbek cuisine, which works around the clock. Oriental connoisseurs will find here both traditional dishes and unusual delicacies.

Uchquduq, @uchquduq_restaurant

A chain of oriental restaurants with a cozy modern flair. Uchquduq has the perfect atmosphere for family gatherings and warm gatherings. For holding celebrations and holidays in a narrow circle, the restaurants have VIP rooms.

Korean cuisine


Peek-a-boo, @peekaboo_eat

Dishes of South Korean cuisine. In the bar menu you will find a huge selection of unusual lemonades and a variety of Korean juices and drinks.

Kakao Dak, @kakaodak_kz

The establishment is suitable for a delicious meal with colleagues and meetings with friends.

Korean Street Food, @ksf.astana

South Korean fast food chain. Minimum expectations and maximum taste preferences.

Korean House, @korean_house_kz

The concept of the institution is a piece of South Korea, an opportunity to get acquainted with this amazing cuisine in all its diversity.

"Mi Gen", @migen_astana

The restaurant is a fusion of Korean cuisine and European comfort.

Koreana BBQ, @koreanabbqastana

Here you can hold banquets, celebrate a family holiday and much more. There are barbecue tables where you can cook certain dishes from the menu.

Turkish cuisine

Honey Turkish Cafe, @honey_turkishcafe

Large selection of delicious Turkish cuisine - from breakfast to dinner and snacks. The bright taste of food and the interior will not leave anyone indifferent.

Mado, @madokazakhstan

The peculiarity of the institution is the traditional ice cream made from goat's milk. Here you can taste the most delicious desserts of Turkish cuisine.

Degirmen, @degirmen.astana

A piece of Turkey in Astana. You can come here for dinner with family or friends.

French cuisine


Paul, @paul_kazakhstan

Cafe-bakery with different types of French croissants. It is a chain of restaurants-cafes-bakeries located in 47 countries.

Azerbaijani cuisine

Mirvari, @mirvari_ast

A colorful restaurant with predominantly Azerbaijani cuisine. Here you can enjoy delicious tea from a samovar, shish kebabs according to a traditional Azerbaijani recipe and other meat dishes.

Georgian cuisine


"Gruzin Kuzin", @gruzin_kz

The atmosphere of Georgian hospitality and high culture is conveyed through the interior of the restaurant. Large portions of dishes will please any guest.

Gemrieli, @cafe_gemrieli_

A cozy hall near the embankment will welcome, warm and feed all guests. Affordable prices for delicious food.

"Darejani", @daredzhani

Spices for dishes are delivered directly from Georgia. Hot khachapuri, khinkali on marble dough and favorite wine is a place for gourmets and lovers of Georgian cuisine.

Osoba, @osoba.ge

Chefs from Georgia, soulful songs and huge portions. That's what makes it worth coming to this place.

Italian Cuisine

La Mia Pizza, @la_mia_piazza

A place that will take you to Italy. Photogenic interior and a large selection of Italian dishes.

Del Papa, @del_papa

In 2019, the company completely updated the interior style of its restaurants. Today, Del Papa embodies the idea of a modern Italian restaurant.

Japanese food


Momo, @cafemomo.astana

It serves dishes from a chef from Japan.

Serbian cuisine

"Serbian Roshtil", @roshtil_astana

A corner of Serbia in the old center of the capital. The only traditional Serbian cuisine, cold beer from our own brewery, a calm interior and a huge number of dishes for every taste will make your stay unforgettable.

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