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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

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Where to drink coffee with dairy-free milk in Nur-Sultan


Where to drink coffee with dairy-free milk in Nur-Sultan

Starbucks, @starbuckskz


The most famous coffee shop around the world. Coffee shops in the capital serve coffee with oat, coconut, almond and soy milk.

Address: 10, Kunayev st; 16, Dostyk st; 9, Dostyk st; 1, Korgalzhyn highway; 34, Tauelsizdik ave; 62, Kabanbaybatyr ave.

Opening hours: 09:00 — 22:00

Contacts: 8 7172 46 98 60

Costa coffee, @costacoffee_kz


Here you can find the wide variety of coffee with soy and almond milk.

Address: 1, Korgalzhyn highway; 9, Dostyk ave; 7, Republic ave; 18, Dostyk ave; 21, Kabanbay batyr ave.

Opening hours: 10:00 — 22:00

Contacts: 8 701 543 63 58; 8 701 757 68 64

Espresso bar, @espresso_bar


The bar invites guests to taste coffee with low-lactose and oat milk.

Address: 2, Auezov st; 14, Kunayev st; 58b, Kabanbay batyr ave.

Opening hours: 09:00 — 22:00

Contacts: 8 7172 21 10 28

Coffeeboom, @coffeeboom2010


One of the most popular coffee house in the city has added coffee with soy, coconut and almond milk to the menu.

Address: 28, Mangilik El ave; 22, Turan ave; 28, Zhenis ave; 10/1, Koshkarbayev ave; 62, Kabanbay batyr ave; 13, Dostyk st; 35, Beibitshilik st; 9, Sarayshyk st; 9, Dostyk st; 5b, Kabanbay batyr ave.

Opening hours: 08:00 — 00:00

Contacts: 8 707 313 02 02

Tochka, @cafe.tochka


Here you can taste delicious coffee with coconut and oat milk.

Address: 5, Beibitshilik st.

Opening hours: 10:00 — 22:00

Contacts: 8 775 852 83 02

Rafe, @rafe.kz


Café serve any coffee with almond, oat and coconut milk.

Address: 16, Azerbaijan Mambetov st.; 14, Kunayev st.; 12/2, Kunayev st.; 10, Dostyk st.; 5, Zhenis ave.; 28, Kerey and Zhanibek khandar st.

Opening hours: 9:00 — 22: 00

Contacts: 8 7172 22 23 23; 8 701 781 10 41

Discovery coffee, @discovery_coffee_astana


In Discovery coffee, you can taste delicious coffee with dairy-free milk.

Address: 8/2, Turkestan st; 31, Beibitshilik st; 31, Irchenko st; 13, Respublika ave; 12, Kunaev ast; 63, Kenesary ave.

Opening hours: 08:00 — 00:00

Contacts: 8 707 207 98 55

Zebra, @zebracoffee.kz


Popular coffee to go coffee shop with dairy-free milk.

Address: 2, Korgalzhyn highway; 5a, Turan ave.; 37 Mangilik El ave.

Opening hours: 08:00 — 22:00

Contacts: 8 701 833 23 39

Coffeedays, @coffeedays.kz


Coffeedays café serve coffee with dairy-free milk.

Address: 4, Baurzhan Momyshuly st.

Opening hours: 09:00 — 22:00

Contacts: 8 707 777 77 98

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