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What you need to know before traveling to Mongolia


What you need to know before traveling to Mongolia

General information


Photo source: Nila Sweeney

Mongolia is an amazing country with a rich history, interesting traditions and stunning nature. Mongolia located in East Asia and occupies the 19th place in the world by area. Mongolia is divided into 21 regions. The capital of Mongolia is Ulaanbaatar, the coldest capital in the world.

Nature of Mongolia


Photo source: Tarick

The main wealth of Mongolia is unique and almost untouched nature. Mongolia covered by vast steppes and deserts. Mongolia is a nature paradise, as the population density in Mongolia is one of the lowest in the world. There are 22 national parks in Mongolia, where the pristine nature surprises and delights with its power, beauty, and diversity. There are 138 species of mammals described in the country, including very rare ones, such as the snow leopard, Przhevalsky's horse, wild camel, Mongolian kulan and saiga, dzeren antelope, Mongolian marmot, argali mountain sheep. In Mongolia, you can find the most unexpected plants. The slopes of mountains covered in cedar, pine, fir, birch, oak, ash, poplar, willow, aspen and many other types of trees.

Food in Mongolia


Photo source: Mehendra_art / Shutterstock

Restaurants in Mongolia offer their visitors food for every taste. In the capital, you can find many restaurants and cafes that serve European and Asian cuisines. The basis of the diet of the Mongolian population is mainly horse meat and goat meat. Popular side dishes for meat dishes are potatoes, rice, and pasta. Traditional Mongolian dishes consist of cooked meat with a huge amount of fat and flour. The most popular is the “boodog”, a whole goat carcass that is filled with hot stones. Mongolians also have a special love for dairy products, especially for milk and cheese. Mongols have many tea traditions. Mongols also serve tea with animal fat.



Photo source: flocu / Shutterstock

Most of the hotels in Mongolia located in the capital — Ulaanbaatar. There are several hotels in Darkhan, Sukhbaatar, and Erdenet. Outside of major localities, the only way to accommodate is to stop at campsites. Usually, it is a large area with yurts equipped with electricity and a set of necessary furniture.

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