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What to see in Semey: main city attractions


What to see in Semey: main city attractions

Semey is a city with a rich history and unique cultural heritage. It features fascinating architectural landmarks and places that can attract many tourists. Here are the iconic locations in Semey worth visiting to better understand its history and culture.

Suspension bridge

A signature landmark of Semey, the bridge connects the right and left banks of the Irtysh River. With a total length of 1086 meters, the area beneath the bridge was recently enhanced with modern sports zones, vibrant graffiti, and other urban elements, appealing to both residents and visitors.

Resurrection cathedral

Built between 1857 and 1860, this is the only surviving religious structure from the pre-revolutionary period. It is worth visiting to admire the architectural beauty and view the Znamensk-Abalak icon of the Mother of God.

Two-minaret cathedral mosque

Constructed in the mid-19th century with funding from Tatar merchants, the mosque’s design incorporates architectural and structural elements typical of Turkish mosques. It remains a historically significant site recommended for visitors.

Literary-memorial museum of F.M. Dostoevsky

This museum showcases various exhibits connected to the life and work of the great Russian writer. While in exile, Dostoevsky wrote several of his famous works in this house. The museum has been included in the list of 100 sacred sites of Kazakhstan.

Yamyshev gate

An architectural monument considered the only surviving part of the Semipalatinsk Fortress. The arch's walls are about ten meters deep. History enthusiasts should visit to immerse themselves in the atmosphere of that era.

Regional history museum in the Governor-General's House

Founded in 1883 by political exiles, this is one of the oldest museums in Kazakhstan. It features unique collections dedicated to zoology, paleontology, mineralogy, archaeology, and numismatics.

"Stronger than death" Monument

This monument commemorates the victims of nuclear tests at the Semipalatinsk Test Site. Opened in 2001, it reflects the themes of sacrifice and the fight for survival.

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