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What to bring from Tajikistan: Pamir jurabas, dried fruits, Amiri


What to bring from Tajikistan: Pamir jurabas, dried fruits, Amiri

Chocolate from Amiri and Shirin, @amiri.tj


Shirin and Amiri are the two largest confectionery factories in Tajikistan. The Shirin factory was famous even in Soviet days. Caramel “Ptashka”, “Klubnika”, “Snezhok”, toffee “Golden key”, chocolate sets “Cherry and dried apricots in chocolate”, “Ptiche moloko”, “Assorti”, “Chernosliv”, “Nut” are still very popular.

Price: from 30 to 100 somoni

Address: products can be purchased at any supermarket. On Facebook, the company regularly announces new types of chocolate.

Suzani bags by @noor.art.gallery


Tajik embroidery also known as suzani can be found in every home. People say that if the work is done diligently, but there is no part of the soul in it, then it is just a beautiful embroidered fabric. However, if you do not take your eyes off the suzani, it means that it was made with love.

Tajik patterns are now being integrated into all products, as prints are applied to bathrobes, T-shirts, even pillows. Common among them are shoppers.

Price: 500 somoni

Address: Dushanbe, st. Aini 48, BC "Sozidanie", Noor Art Gallery boutique

Ceramic mug from @zodaartgallery


The craft of mountain ceramics still exists in Tajikistan. It is performed manually, decorating with relief ornaments covered with slipware.
If it was customary to bring mugs with a flag from England or America, ceramics dishes are popular in Tajikistan.

Price: 120 somoni

Address: Dushanbe, st. Aini, 48, BC "Sozidanie"

Dried fruits in chocolate by @nadi_chocolate


A climate and fertile soil allow Tajiks to grow and enjoy fresh dried fruits, which are also known outside the country. For this purpose, they developed a special quality standard and Tajikstandard certification. Protection of the product certificate took place in Geneva.

Premium Tajik dried fruits with nuts in Belgian chocolate are available at Nadi Chocolate. Manufacturers may affix a logo or inscription to chocolate and packaging.

Price: 16 sweets - 170 somoni

Contact number + 992 938 134 411

Pamir Jurabs

Джурабы (1).jpg

A tourist in Tajikistan will not be released without the Pamir knitted jurabs. They became the hallmark of the republic. In 2017, the Ministry of Culture included the art of knitting jurabs in the list of intangible cultural heritage of the country.

Jurabs are socks or knee-high socks differed in thickness and density.

Price: 180 somoni

Address: Jurabs can be purchased at any Tajik bazaar.

Pamir Tubeteika, @pamir_tuybeteyki


Tubeteika is the main national Tajik headdress. Both girls and men wear it. After the wedding, girls wear those 40 days. There can be up to four tubeteika in Tajik wardrobe.

Price: 60 somoni

Address: tubeteika can be purchased at any bazaar or in a boutique of national clothes. To order Pamir tubeteika, local residents recommend @pamir_tuybeteyki online shop, which has worldwide delivery.

Print sweatshirt, @_zhiwj_


Tajik designers are increasingly using sketches of girls in national costumes. These can often be seen on denim jackets, t-shirts and sweatshirts.

Price: 500 somoni

Address: Dushanbe Plaza shopping center, block B, ground floor.

We are grateful for the help in creating the material to Timur Timerkhanov - @the_ferrum, Nafisa Imranova - @nafisa_imranova, Tajikistan in Pictures - @tjkmagazine.

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