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Walk around Beijing with a journalist: Skyscrapers, The Forbidden City and the village inside a metropolis


Walk around Beijing with a journalist: Skyscrapers, The Forbidden City and the village inside a metropolis

Vasilisa Lukashevich, hometown — Krasnoyarsk, journalist, @vasilisalook


Beijing is a city that everyone loves. If you have been here before and you did not like it, I suggest to reset your experience and go on a trip again. The city has places that need to be visited.

Dongzhimen Station

Right from the Beijing airport by air express you can go to the Dongzhimen final station. This wonderful place. I live in the area and can even hold a tour when I have time. Also here is the Russian Embassy and directly from the subway at this station, you can enter the two large Mall. You can buy clothes from Uniqlo, cosmetics and accessories Miniso. There are also popular H&M and ZARA shops.

The old city


The old city in Beijing is an example of the traditional building of the capital 600 years ago. The narrow streets of the stone villages are called hutongs. In these hutongs located a comfortable café. By the way, the entrance to the café is through the window, because the extra door in the hutongs is invalid according to the norms of town planning. The owners of the cafe are not confused and ask visitors to enter in an unusual way.


In a 15-minute walk from the cafe to the Northern direction is the main Lamaist temple of Beijing and the temple of Confucius on the West.

Gulou street and Beihai Park

From the station, Dongzhimen starts a long street of food. It crosses to the famous bars and restaurants Gulou street, which rests on the square of the drum and bell Towers. And then begin a huge Beihai Park with lakes and white pagoda.


Great Wall of China

The trip to the Great Wall will take you about two hours. Therefore, it is uncomfortable to get there during a one-day visit. Now only the restored part of the wall is available. If you are interested in the new model, then be ready to meet many people there.


Tiananmen Square

Tiananmen Square is the largest square on the planet. The sarcophagus with the leader Mao Zedong also located there. They say it is necessary to stand in a queue from five in the morning to see the body of the great helmsman. Admission is free by the passport.


National Museum of China

The Museum located to the East of Tiananmen Square. There is a collection of Chinese treasures from the ancient Chinese man to the jade warrior costume and part of the terracotta army. Admission is free.

The Forbidden City — the Palace Museum Gugong

Landmark — red building with a portrait of Mao Zedong. Do not forget to take a couple of photos there because you would not return. The exit will be at the very end.

In the first courtyard on the left, there are cash desks. From November to April, the ticket costs 40 yuan (about 2100 tenge). From April to November — 60 yuan (about 3,600 tenge). Tickets are sold only by the passport. It is said that inside the Palace where lived a Chinese Emperor about 9,999 rooms.


Beijing skyscrapers

If you like skyscrapers, then you must visit the CBD area — the business district of Beijing. There are hundreds, if not thousands, of fashion stores inside that you can walk around for a week.


The building of China Central Television

CCTV — the work of architect Rem Koolhaas. He hardly wanted to destroy the image of the usual skyscrapers and created an incredible design. You can not go inside because the building is guarded by the military with weapons. You can only make a memorable photo and enjoy the grandeur of the building.


Blue Frog restaurant with summer terrace

Until 20:00 every day they have happy hours on drinks and you can get two for the price of one. And there are some great burgers. If you want to try other food in the same building with a dozen cafes of Asian and European cuisine. But do not even hope to find a dish cheaper than 50 yuan because everything is expensive.

The village inside a metropolis


You can see the life of the locals from the inside in the Gulou area. This is the private sector in the heart of the city. In the village, you can see how the people in Beijing lived hundreds of years ago.

Nanluguxiang Street

Long street Nanluguxiang is a traditional building with all the tourist content.

If you dive into any corner you can see how potential Chinese millionaires live. These are people who own expensive land. Their move will be accompanied by the payment of millions of yuan. But they don't care, they don't. They say that life on earth is much more expensive.

The Summer Palace

The entrance to the Park is 60 yuan, which is about 3,300 tenge. There is a beautiful lake, many beautiful buildings, you go away from the crowd of Chinese tourists and be alone among the age-old tui. In this Park, you can spend the whole day, look at the stone boat in the form of a dragon or walk along the world's longest painted corridor. It is necessary to prepare sneakers and sandwiches because food almost not selling in the Park.


Art zone 798

This is an area with a bunch of galleries, street installations, art boutiques with clothes and art objects from Chinese designers and, of course, cafes and restaurants.

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Sanlitun District

The area with the most fashionable restaurants in world cuisine. Whatever food you would like to taste in your gastronomic dreams, there is everything! From falafel, made by aunt Sarah herself to Mexican nachos. Chinese restaurants are also available.

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