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UnionPay in Central Asia: in which bank to open a card that is accepted all over the world


UnionPay in Central Asia: in which bank to open a card that is accepted all over the world

We tell you where in the Central Asian region you can use the products of the UnionPay payment system.

What is UnionPay

The UnionPay international payment system was established in 2002. In the USA, its cards began to be accepted three years later. Over the next five years, company took the first place in the world in terms of the number of issued plastic cards, and by 2015 it reached a leading position in terms of the number of transactions.

Today UnionPay cooperates with more than 2500 financial institutions around the world and provides the opportunity to use cards to pay for goods, services and cash withdrawals in 180 countries around the world. At the same time, 70 countries issue its cards.


Halyk Bank

The partnership between the bank and UnionPay International has been developing since the signing of the acquiring agreement in 2006.

In 2012, Halyk Bank became the only commercial bank in the CIS, Central and Eastern Europe to become a full member of the International Council of UnionPay International. Today, cards of this payment system can be ordered at bank branches.


Altyn Bank

Altyn Bank offers premium segment Platinum, Diamond cards in four currencies: CNY, USD, EUR, KZT.

Among the advantages: QuickPass contactless payment technology, card delivery in Kazakhstan and exclusive offers, as well as discounts from partners around the world.

CenterCredit Bank

The Bank joined the international payment system UnionPay International in 2015.

Today, CenterCredit Bank has the ability to issue and acquire payment cards, as well as conducting mutual settlements with international payment systems.

VTB Kazakhstan

VTB Kazakhstan Bank launched a project to accept and service cards of the international payment system UnionPay International six years ago.

Since January 2016, the bank's POS terminals and ATMs, in addition to Visa and MasterCard, also serve UnionPay cards.


The Commercial and Industrial Bank of China is the first bank of this country in Kazakhstan. It has a license to provide a full range of banking operations: making deposit, credit, money transfers, currency exchange, international settlements, letters of credit, guarantees, Internet banking, issuing payment cards.

Here you can also issue a card of the UnionPay international payment system.


Commercial Bank KYRGYZSTAN

One of the first banks to enter into a partnership with UnionPay. Since 2012, its customers can issue a card of this payment system and get access to all its benefits.


Keremet Bank

Keremet Bank has started servicing contactless cards of the UnionPay International payment system in its ATMs since 2020.

Here you can issue a UnionPay Gold card in two currencies: KGS and USD, valid for three years. The security deposit is 1000 soms or $ 20, the same amount is the commission for annual maintenance.

Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan

In 2020, Halyk Bank Kyrgyzstan completed integration with the international payment system UnionPay International. Cash withdrawals and a network of POS terminals of the bank have become available to UnionPay card holders.

Optima Bank

In 2015, Optima Bank entered into a partnership with UnionPay International. At the same time, a product line was launched: Classic, Gold and Diamond cards.

UnionPay Diamond card is considered the most prestigious in this payment system. It gives access to the privileges of international holders: medical travel support, tax refunds, discounts at partner points.


Asia Alliance Bank

To open a UnionPay Classic card in Asia Alliance Bank, it is enough to contact any of the branches and present the TIN and the original identity document: passport, military service certificate, residence permit.


Davr Bank

UnionPay Classic card can be opened in one day in Davr-Bank. To do this, you will need an identity document.

Cash withdrawal from such a card at ATMs is accompanied by a commission of 1%, and for non-cash payment it will be 0.5%.

Ipak Yuli Bank

Several products of the UnionPay payment system can be issued in Ipak Yuli Bank.

  • — UnionPay Classic: free opening and maintenance

  • — UnionPay Exchange: free opening through offices when ordering 13 500 soums. The minimum deposit is $10

  • — UnionPay PLATINUM: opening cost: 162 000-189 000 soums, with a minimum deposit of $50.

Orient FinansBank

Orient FinansBank offers services for opening a UnionPay Classic international card for traveling and shopping abroad.

It is also possible to connect a single account for Mastercard, Visa and UnionPay without a subscription fee. The security deposit is $5.


In Uzpromstroybank, you can open a UnionPay Gold card with free issuance and maintenance and an insurance deposit of $ 5.

A passport will be enough from the documents.


The bank makes it possible to open a debit card in a foreign currency UnionPay Classic or Exchange.

The issue will cost 30 000 soms, and the balance on the card should not be less than $ 10. The commission for the withdrawal of funds ranges from 0.5% to 1.5%, depending on the situation.

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