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Top 10 spots for beautiful and delicious breakfasts in Baku


Top 10 spots for beautiful and delicious breakfasts in Baku

We’ve curated a list of 10 places in Baku where you can enjoy not only tasty dishes but also the atmosphere that will energize you for the whole day.

Milk Lab, @milklab.coffee

A café where you can enjoy not just a delicious breakfast but also a unique interior design.

La Mia Colazione, @la_mia_colazione

A cozy café that will impress with its dishes and ambiance.

Bon Bon, @bonbon.baku

This place is perfect for those looking to recharge for the entire day.

Özsüt, @ozsut_baku

A spot ideal for leisurely morning conversations, enhanced by pleasant background music that encourages you to stay longer.

Cafecity, @cafecitybaku

A place offering a cozy atmosphere and classic breakfast options.

Eva Restaurant, @eva.restaurant.baku

A Greek corner in the center of Baku with a variety of tasty breakfast dishes.

Soul Kitchen, @soulkitchenbaku

A homely vibe with an extensive selection of breakfast options. The venue also offers special sets for two or four guests.

Ruby360, @ruby360baku

Here, you can enjoy not only high-quality coffee but also unusual dishes to suit any taste.

Paris Bistro, @parisbistrobaku

Like a true Parisian, you can savor a fresh croissant with a cup of strong coffee or opt for a combo menu.

145 Çaybağı Lounge, @caybagi145

This place is known for its wide selection of breakfasts from both national and Western cuisines.

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