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9 comfortable coworking spaces and study areas in Tashkent


9 comfortable coworking spaces and study areas in Tashkent

If you’re looking for a place to work in Tashkent with good Wi-Fi and a suitable environment for meetings, we’ve gathered a list of convenient spaces for you.

Shake&Pear, @shakespear.uz

Address: Alisher Navoi St., 11A

A multifunctional space for work, development, study, meetings, and events. It features several zones: coworking, a library, and a bar. Workspaces are equipped with everything you need. You can even use specialized equipment for filming and event organization.

Hub, @hub.module

Address: Taras Shevchenko St., 42

A coworking space located in the center of Tashkent. It offers workstations for teams and individuals, meeting rooms, and a lounge area.

C-space, @cspaceuz

Addresses: Labzak St., 64A / Yunusabad Massif, 12th Quarter, 20A / Elbek St., 7 / Chust St., 1

A network of coworking centers with various offices, private rooms, and open spaces. It has all the necessary equipment for productive work. Access to the center is provided through passes.

UWork, @uworkuz

Addresses: Navoi St., 31 / Shevchenko St., 36A

A workspace for entrepreneurs, startups, and freelancers. It features several meeting rooms, an open space, and conference halls. All necessary equipment is available, along with laptop rentals for comfortable work.

Bb Works, @bb_works_uz

Address: Akkurgan St., 31A

A coworking business incubator for self-employed individuals, providing all amenities for a productive atmosphere and development. Office spaces, private rooms, necessary equipment, cleaning services, and two meeting rooms are available for rent.

Ground Zero, @groundzerouz

Addresses: Mustakillik Ave., 6 / Minor Massif, 70

A network of coworking spaces that operate around the clock. It has everything for comfortable work and study, including noisy and quiet open spaces, Zoom booths, office equipment, mini-kitchens, meeting rooms, and relaxation areas. Stylish and comfortable offices with ergonomic designs for large and small teams, as well as event zones.

IMPACT.T, @impacttuz

Address: Bogibuston St., 186

A four-story tech hub with a terrace. By renting offices, residents gain access to:

— meeting rooms

— legal address

— event halls

— reception services

— high-speed internet

— several kitchens.

Book Cafe, @bookcafetashkent

Address: Istikbol St., 8

A space that combines the idea of a café and a library, located in the city center. Guests can choose a book and enjoy a cozy and warm atmosphere. It’s an excellent place for study and work in silence.

Republican children’s library, @acdflibrary

Address: Yakhya Gulamov St., 47

A public and cultural space where useful lectures, workshops, meetings with popular writers, and book clubs are held. In the evening, the library is open, making it a comfortable place for study activities.

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