About moving and the first impression
Three years ago I came to Kazakhstan to teach at an English language school. Before that, I worked for several years in Mongolia, where quite a few ethnic Kazakhs live. I also was teaching at school in America, there were several children from Kazakhstan. Therefore, when I was offered a job here at Study Room, I agreed.
I never heard about Almaty during my high school years. First time I was looking at the map of Kazakhstan because a friend of mine was coming here. At that time Alma-Ata was the most recognizable city, and later the capital city was moved, and everything changed. So I had a general idea of Kazakhstan and knew about the Saka from Greek historians.
The first impression of Almaty is a big city. I prefer villages and living in small towns, so I felt the difference. But I was also interested in architecture here. High-rise buildings here reflect the mountains, I think that's a nice idea of architects. On the other hand, I was a little disappointed that there are a few older buildings. I like the ones that are in pastel colors.
The first thing I wrote to my family was that every day when I go out I see the mountains
The first thing I wrote to my family was that every day when I go out I see the mountains. They look like Disney mountains and are perfect with snow. I really enjoy seeing that every day.
About Almaty
Almaty is a very busy city with modern infrastructure. Here is a lot of traffic jams and air pollution. Fortunately, there's also are many trees and greenery. The city has a lot of different districts, and I don't really know much about them. I know Samal district because I live and work here.
Almaty is not a huge city like Moscow or New York, but still very large with more than a million inhabitants. All of them come here to achieve goals.
I like that there are metro and a good system of surface public transport. But it is hard to travel if you don't have a map and if you don't speak Russian. I was surprised by how people catch a taxi on the road by holding out the hand.
In Almaty, you definitely need to go up to the mountains, and it doesn't matter what time of year. There are really good skating and skiing places, and if you like to hike just look at nature. I feel cool in the mountains.
In Almaty, you definitely need to go up to the mountains, and it doesn't matter what time of year
I like the National Museum and the First President's Park, which is nice for strolling. Also the Botanical Garden, but it is not accessible all year round.
The restaurants here are generally inexpensive, but I prefer to go to cafeterias. I recommend places with Kazakh cuisine, which can not be tasted anywhere else. In cafeterias you can communicate with people, eat for less than a thousand tenge and get more feeling of the country.
The city has a local chapter of the global expats' community. They hold various events. If a foreigner wants to socialize but doesn't know how that's one of the ways. Also, they might help with questions that arise when moving to the city.
About features of education in Kazakhstan
I like that private schools in Kazakhstan have small classes, most children are interested in learning. Study Room gives me the opportunity to use particular methods of teaching, which are difficult to use in public schools. These include project-based learning where the students do a particular project or choose a project. That's how they learn English by working on a project in groups. For example, I had one class in which one of the groups created a game on the principle of Kazakhstan monopoly. Students learn very quickly and very tense if not to try to place them.
Students learn very quickly and very tense if not to try to place them
Children choose where to get information. It can be scientific books, novels or even comics. They read those and we discuss it in the classroom. They read and enjoy the process.
We try to avoid using Russian and speak only English, even if it is difficult to explain something. Students should understand that English is not just a subject to study, but a living tool that we use.
Local teachers need to speak to the students in English and not just teaching English as the subject. Many schools teach only grammar rules but do not touch the topic of spoken English. I suggest watching movies, videos or TV programs, communicate more with English-speaking people. So that they could feel more confident in using English in the classroom.
There is also a method of TPR total physical response. I show the word by actions to create associations and memorize faster.
One of the problems teachers faces in schools is strict discipline and an approved work plan. Many force students to learn something. I prefer to explain with the examples where this knowledge could be useful. For example, the student will be able to play Starcraft fully understanding the English.
About the plans
I would like to be closer to my family and maybe become the headteacher of a small school.