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The nice and cozy places to have a breakfast in Tashkent


The nice and cozy places to have a breakfast in Tashkent

Beans & Brews Coffee House, @bnb.uz

Beans & Brews Coffee House.jpg

The menu includes various breakfasts like porridge omelets and even a classic English breakfast.

Address: 30a Shota Rustaveli St.

Opening hours: 08:00 — 00:00

Contacts: +998 71 281 60 60

Social Cafe, @socials_uz

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The menu has a large selection of breakfasts. Cafe offers delicious cereals, pancakes, cream waffles, and crepes with different fillings.

Address: 36a Taras Shevchenko St

Opening hours: 08:00 — 23:00

Contacts: +998 99 008 88 11

Zeyn's Coffee & Ice, @zeynscoffee

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There you can taste different breakfasts from all over the world. Also cafe offers big variety of sweet breakfasts.

Address: 25 Bunedkor Shokh St.

Opening hours: 10:00 — 20:00

Contacts: +998 95 143 88 87

Black Bear Kofi, @kofiuz

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Cafe offers crepes, pancakes, porridge with different toppings and of course the large varieties of delicious coffee and tea.

Address: 26 Okkurgan St.; 8 Istikbol St.; 38 Taras Shevchenko St.; 35 Usman Nasyr St.

Opening hours: 07:00 — 03:00

Contacts: +998 90 318 32 22

Columbina Coffee Boutique, @columbina.coffee

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The coffee shop has a large selection of interesting and healthy breakfasts, accompanied by delicious coffee. There are different types of eggs, classic English and Italian breakfasts.

Address: 27/6 Mirabad St.

Opening hours: 09:00 — 23:00

Contacts: +998 93 182 72 72

Chaykof, @chaykoftashkent


One of the popular cafe that offers nice and nourishing breakfast.

Address: 16b Said Baraka St.

Opening hours: 08:00 — 23:00

Contacts: +998 78 150 16 66; +998 95 170 16 66

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