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The most beautiful and unique traditions of the Turkmen people


The most beautiful and unique traditions of the Turkmen people

Turkmen culture is both mysterious and rich in diversity. The people of Turkmenistan preserve numerous traditions and customs that reflect their lifestyle, values, and history. Here are some of the most fascinating ones.

Turkmen wedding

A wedding in Turkmenistan is a significant event filled with numerous traditions, lasting several days and including various rituals. One of the most important traditions is sewing the wedding attire. The bride’s dress is richly decorated with embroidery and jewelry. Protective amulets and talismans are woven into her outfit and hairstyle, and she is covered with a dense veil.


Celebrated on the spring equinox, March 21, Nowruz marks the New Year according to the solar calendar. This holiday is one of the most beloved in Central Asia, bringing together diverse peoples. In Turkmenistan, it is also a time for renewal and the welcoming of spring.

Traditions of hospitality

Turkmen people are renowned for their hospitality, as are all Central Asian nations. Guests are welcomed with great respect, and homes are always open for visits. One custom includes serving tea in special cups along with traditional sweets and flatbreads.

Turkmen carpets

Carpets are an integral part of Turkmen culture. The art of carpet weaving has been passed down through generations. Each carpet features unique patterns that may reflect tribal affiliation or regional identity.

Traditional games

Popular traditional games in Turkmenistan include Asyk, Aitereki Gyunterek, Yaglyga Tovusmak, and others.

Turkmen cuisine

The cuisine features dishes made from meat, especially lamb, rice, vegetables, and bread. One of the most famous traditional dishes is pilaf, along with flatbreads baked in special ovens.

Turkmen bakhshi

Bakhshi are vibrant representatives of Turkmen folklore. These musicians and storytellers perform songs and play the dutar. Bakhshi have always been held in high esteem and great respect in Turkmenistan.

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