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The brightest achievements and victories of Tajiks in sports and culture in 2022


The brightest achievements and victories of Tajiks in sports and culture in 2022

We are talking about the Tajik people who have achieved cool achievements and success in the past year.


Jasmine An-Nimr, @chokko_mocco


The girl won the world bodybuilding championship, won the 13th WBPF world championship. The Tajik athlete became the best in individual competitions.

Mehrzod Sufiyev, @sufiev_60

The guy became the world champion in the weight category of 60 kilograms at the World Kurash Championship.

Akmaliddin Karimov, @karimov__58_officiall

Tajik sambo wrestler Akmaliddin Karimov kg became the winner of the Sambo World Cup in the weight category up to 58 kg.

Muhammad Abroridinov, @muhammad110kg

The Tajik won silver at the international boxing tournament, which was held in Almaty.

National football team of Tajikistan

We won the King's Cup 2022 tournament. The victory of Tajikistan was ensured by the goals of Muhammadjon Rakhimov and Ehsoni Panjshanbe.

Muhammadamin Abdulloev, @abduloevm74


A young guy from Tajikistan won a gold medal at the international competition "Tahsil" among teenagers in Baku.

National team of Tajikistan in jiu-jitsu

Tajik athletes won four awards at the World Jiu-Jitsu Championship.

Manuchehr Jalilov, @dzhalilov_manu

The Football League of Tajikistan named Manuchehr Jalilov, the striker of the Istiklol club and the national team of the republic, the best football player of the year. Jalilov also received the title of top scorer in the major leagues with 16 goals.

Mijgona Samadova, @mijgonasamadova

The Tajik boxer won the gold of the World Cup in the weight category of 57 kilograms.

Temur Rakhimov, @temur__rakhimov

A Tajik athlete won a silver medal at the European Judo Championship among adults.


Umedsho Mirzoshirinov

The film by Tajik director Umedsho Mirzoshirinov "The younger brother of angels" was shown in Moscow at the international film festival.

Ensemble "Zebo"

Tajikistan took first place at the Delphic Games. The victory was brought to the republic by the artists of the ensemble "Zebo".

Mastona Sobirzoda, @mastona_sobirzoda

The artist of the State Circus of Tajikistan took third place at the 13th international circus festival-competition "Echo of Asia".

Faizullo Faizov

The film by Tajik director Faizullo Faizov "Water Boy" won the audience award at the Eurasian Film Festival in London.

Salima Karimova

The girl took a place of honor and won a prize of $ 1,300 at the International Festival of Gold Embroidery, Floral Sewing and Jewelry in Uzbekistan.

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