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The best parks in Dushanbe: where to walk with your family and escape the city noise


The best parks in Dushanbe: where to walk with your family and escape the city noise

From botanical gardens with rare plants to parks with modern facilities, Dushanbe’s green spaces create a perfect atmosphere for walks, sports, and family activities. Here are 10 parks in Dushanbe where you can enjoy nature and take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Iram Botanical Garden

Located in the center of the Somoni district, Dushanbe’s Botanical Garden features over 4,500 species of trees and shrubs from around the world, including rare species listed in the Red Book. The garden includes two ponds, gazebos, sculptures, and a craft village in a traditional style, hosting exhibitions and fairs. This is a popular spot for walks and relaxation, suitable for all ages.

Victory Park

Victory Park in Dushanbe is a spacious memorial park opened in 1975. Its cypress-lined alleys and staircases lead to the top of a hill, where visitors can find a memorial plaque, the Alley of Heroes with the popular Mother sculpture, and the Eternal Flame at the Square of Sorrow. It’s a favorite relaxation spot for both locals and visitors.

Luchob Park

Situated on a hill between two rivers, Luchob Park hosts the Institute of Physical Education and Sports, the National University, and a memorial dedicated to prominent scientists and public figures. In the 1980s, a mausoleum for the famous poet Mirzo Tursunzoda was built here. The park attracts visitors with its well-maintained paths, greenery, flowerbeds, and comfortable amenities for relaxation.

Rudaki Park

Rudaki Park, also known as “Bogi Rudaki,” is located on the left bank of Dushanbe. Its central alley leads to the Palace of Nations and a sculptural ensemble dedicated to the great poet Abuabdullo Rudaki. Shaded alleys, fresh air, and a peaceful atmosphere make this park an ideal place for walks, meetings, and a break from the city’s noise.

National Flag Park of the Republic of Tajikistan

Located in the Ismaili Somoni district near Rudaki Park and the Palace of Nations, the National Flag Park is a significant site in Dushanbe. It features the National Flag of Tajikistan and a park complex with an artificial lake, sculptures of historical figures, and a newly built museum.

Mironenko Square

At the intersection of Mayakovsky and Abu Ali Sina Streets lies Mironenko Square, a cozy retreat for Dushanbe residents and visitors. The square is adorned with shady alleys, benches, shrubs, and flowerbeds.

Istiklol Square

Istiklol Square features the Istiklol Tower, seven intricately carved gates, alleys with national ornaments, fountains, and areas for ceremonial events. The square reflects the historical and cultural values of the Tajik people.

Abulkasym Firdavsi Park of Culture and Recreation

The centerpiece of Firdavsi Park is an artificial pond, with green lawns divided into areas for active recreation, a children’s playground, and a beach. A wide alley leads to the monument of Abulkasym Firdavsi and a multi-jet fountain. The well-maintained park, with attractions and architectural elements, is a popular leisure destination for nearby neighborhoods.

Alisher Navoi Park

Alisher Navoi Park in Dushanbe is a space for both relaxation and sports. The park is filled with flowers, benches, children’s playgrounds, and sports equipment. During the day, visitors can enjoy the shade, and at night, the park is beautifully lit. It features hundreds of ornamental trees and shrubs, as well as alleys and attractions for children.

Ahmadi Donish Park

Ahmadi Donish Park is a small but cozy park known for its year-round blooming flowers. It offers plenty of trees, benches, fountains, and a small café. The park also has a children’s playground, making it an excellent choice for family outings.

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