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7 places for horse riding near Almaty


7 places for horse riding near Almaty

If you're looking to escape the city and experience the beauty of nature from horseback, Almaty offers several stunning locations for an unforgettable riding adventure. From scenic mountain trails to professional equestrian courses, here are seven top spots near the city where you can enjoy horse riding and unique experiences.

Shymbulak Horse Riding, @shymbulak_horse_riding

Where: 640/3 Kerei-Zhanibek Khans St.

If you love animals, nature, and outdoor activities, this place offers a great opportunity to take a ride on well-trained horses along the scenic slopes of the Shymbulak mountain resort.

Oi-Qaragai, @oiqaragai

Where: Talgar district, Oi-Qaragai gorge, Zailiyskiy Alatau

Here you can find horseback riding courses for children and adults, horseback tours and treks of various lengths, horse fitness, wellness sessions, and hippotherapy.

Tulpar, @tulparalmaty

Where: 262/2 Zhan­sugurov St.

Located on the outskirts of Almaty, this spot offers not only horseback riding but also a unique photoshoot experience with horses.

Almaty Hills, @almaty_hills

Where: 1288/2 Galamat district

This club is near the apple orchards, and the area boasts vast spaces and beautiful landscapes.

Tau-Asu, @tau_asu_almaty

Where: Talgar district, Chimbulak village, 1/1 Kunaev St.

In this picturesque place, you can enjoy horseback riding through the mountains, on flat terrain, or in the apple orchard. Professional photoshoots are also available here.

Tauda Almaty, @tauda_almaty

Where: 500a Akboken St.

Tauda Almaty invites you on a three-hour horseback ride through the corners of Zailiyskiy Alatau. During the tour, you'll experience delightful surprises such as archery and tea with sweets, fruits, and other treats.

Qazaq Riders, @qazaqriders

Where: Raiymbek village, Karasai district, 1a Almaly St.

This club is located 6 kilometers from Almaty. Qazaq Riders is the first club in the city to offer horse swimming services.

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