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Song Wonsub from South Korea about love for Kazakh fans and impressions from Kazakhstan


Song Wonsub from South Korea about love for Kazakh fans and impressions from Kazakhstan

Song Wonsub is a South Korean musician who became famous for his covers of popular songs in Korean. The artist has a lot of listeners from Kazakhstan. We met him and found out how the artist's visit to Kazakhstan went and what his future creative plans were.

Song Wonsub, 36 years old, city — Seoul, singer, musician, @songwonsub87


About Me

I am a singer. Originally from South Korea. I have been making music for many years. I fell in love with her at the age of 18.

About activities

I run social networks where I post Korean language covers of popular foreign songs. My listeners can see the full videos on YouTube on the Song wonsub 송원섭 channel, where I have over 600,000 subscribers.

When I realized that among my subscribers there are listeners from Kazakhstan, I decided to try to record a cover of one of the Kazakh songs. So I wanted to thank my viewers.

For my covers, I translate lyrics from Russian or Kazakh into Korean. My channel already has covers of popular songs by Jah Khalib, Batyrkhan Shukenov, Miras Zhugunusov, Kazybek Kuraiysh, Kenzhebek Nurdoldai and other artists.

Unfortunately, I am not yet familiar with many artists of Kazakhstan. We plan to explore this area even more.

About the visit to Kazakhstan


I visited Kazakhstan for the first time last fall. I managed to visit such cities as Almaty, Astana, Shymkent. I liked the cities themselves and the people who met and greeted me so warmly.

I noticed that all the cities of Kazakhstan have their own characteristics, atmosphere. For example, Astana is a business city with a working atmosphere. And Shymkent is a city that reminded me of Uzbekistan. Perhaps because of its location.

I liked the cities themselves and the people who met and greeted me so warmly

During this visit, I gave several concerts in Kazakhstan. Performed in Almaty and Astana.

About plans

I plan to work even harder, travel more. I want to meet even more good and kind people.

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