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  • Наш Человек всегда идет вперед и развивается

  • Наш Человек неравнодушен и готов вместе с нами создавать добрые дела

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10 indoor pools in Tashkent for sports and relaxation


10 indoor pools in Tashkent for sports and relaxation

Winter is approaching, so we’ve gathered a selection of Tashkent's pools where you can swim freely year-round and spend quality time with your loved ones.

"Lumiere", @lumiere.fit.spa

A fitness club with a pool, jacuzzi, hammam, and Finnish sauna. Group and individual classes are conducted under the supervision of experienced trainers.


A multifunctional sports complex with two indoor pools of different sizes.

"Born2swim", @born2swim.uzb

A swimming school for children up to seven years old. There are two pools for individual lessons for the littlest ones. Group classes for moms and kids are also held in the larger pool.

"Emiliya", @emiliya.uz

A sports complex with four pools, as well as gym and gymnastics halls on the premises.

"TSAcademy", @tsacademy_uz

A swimming center with a pool. There is also a children's pool. This place is great for sports activities.

"Borjar sport"

A spacious pool for swimming lessons for both adults and children. All conditions for swimming year-round are provided here.

Water Sports Palace

A sports complex for children and adults featuring an Olympic-sized pool — 50 meters with ten lanes.

Sports Club "InterSport"

A sports center with a thirty-meter pool. A single session lasts 45 minutes. There are many sections for children.

"Eco Wellness", @ecowellness.uz

A wide pool with stylish decor. Located in a fitness club within a hotel. There is also an extensive and comfortable spa area on the premises.


An indoor wide pool with shallow depth. It is divided into four lanes. The pool has all the necessary items for comfortable swimming.

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