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Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France


Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

Lyudmila Kovaleva-Tardiou, 28 years old, hometown — Semey, administrator, photographer, @madame_tardiou

Alpe d'Huez

Alpe d'Huez — is the largest ski resort in the French Alps, located on the southern slope of Le Grand Russ Mountains, 80 kilometres from Lyon.

Alpe d'Huez is the sunniest ski resort. The sun shines here 300 days a year, for which the resort was nicknamed Sunny Island.

Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

Alpe d'Huez is a paradise for experienced skiers and snowboarders. The resort area is about 30 hectares, the longest track in Europe "Serena" has a length of 16 km total length of tracks is about 240 km.

In summer, the Alpe d'Huez is popular for mountain biking. Every summer there is a marathon of Megavalanche.

Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

Since 1952, the Tour de France cycling route has been running through the resort. Many French people love and support Astana Pro Team.

Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

In summer, the resort has many hiking trails to enjoy the beautiful views and plunge into the world of the magic of nature.

Lakes in the Alpes d'Huez

Le Lac Blanc, translated as "White lake", located at an altitude of 2,500 meters in the mountains.

Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

Le Lac Noir, translated as "Black Lake", located at an altitude of 2047 meters in the mountains.

Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

Le Lac Besson located at an altitude of 2047 meters.

Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

Ski resorts, lakes and Alpine cows — unique nature of France

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