Here’s a selection of sanatoriums and wellness centers in Osh where you can relax and improve your health with modern treatments.
Salamat Medical Center, @salamat_medcenter
Salamat offers comprehensive health programs featuring ozone therapy, physiotherapy, mud treatments, massages, and geyser baths. Guests also have access to comfortable accommodations and a pool.
Avangard Diagnostic and Treatment Center,
Equipped with modern medical technology, Avangard specializes in diagnostics and treatment, including laser vision correction, ultrasound, MRI, X-rays, and lab tests. It also provides consultations with qualified doctors and patient meals.
K. Mamakeyev Sanatorium, @mamakeevo
A popular destination in southern Kyrgyzstan, this sanatorium features a cozy atmosphere, excellent cuisine, mud and salt baths, a well-developed infrastructure, and a secure territory for relaxation.
Barchyn Sanatorium
Barchyn is a resort offering a range of health and wellness treatments, including mud therapy, physiotherapy, and massages, all in a comfortable and rejuvenating environment.
Kyrgyz-Russian Clinic, @kyrgyz_russian_clinic
This modern, 24/7 clinic provides a wide array of medical services. Key specialties include cardiology, endovascular surgery, neurology, trauma and orthopedics, gynecology, plastic surgery, and cosmetology.