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Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals


Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals

Lyudmila Korelova, 31 years old, hometown — Krasnodar, the head of the internet marketing agency, @korelova.mila

Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals

About moving

I moved to Israel two years ago after marrying an Israeli. Internet marketing agency remains in Russia. I manage and work with clients remotely. Here I expanded my business and provide services to Russian speakers.

About the language

I know the language at the household level. I can book a table, read the menu, go to the clinic or grocery market. I can't support a quick dialogue, but I write in Hebrew. This is my fourth language.

About life

There is no harsh winter, but there is Khamsin is hot, exhausting dusty wind.

Among my subscribers repatriate who leave Israel during the summer because they get sick. But I'm fine with the heat.

Medicine of Israel is not so perfect, as tourists think. There's good emergency medicine. Doctors treat severe cases. But if it is not a matter of life and death, you wait for help for a long time. Entry to some doctors for more than a year.

Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals

Education in schools is simplified. In the sixth grade, children taught to the decimal while in Russia it taught in primary school. Almost everyone serves in the military and then enroll in a university.

About people

People are the property and value of Israel. They united and have an active civil position.

Israelis are impulsive but kind and sympathetic.

Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals


Israel is a young and tasty country. Its cuisine created by immigrants from different countries of Europe, Asia and Africa. There are kosher and non-kosher restaurants. Gourmets and non-religious people prefer the latter. Kosher meat is dry. The country has a cult of food, and restaurants serve big portions. Israeli breakfast is delicious and hearty.

Israel is a young and tasty country

Service in Israel is an irrelevant concept. There's almost no service. There no Michelin restaurants, but gourmet restaurants. You can eat delicious fish in the restaurant, for which people came to the North of the country in Akko. Although in the restaurant tables sticky and the waiters don't have uniforms.

Diana Rubinstein, 25 years old, hometown — Moscow, fashion journalist, photographer, @anndi_west

Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals

About moving

I moved to Tel Aviv nine months ago. I decided to take a break from Moscow, recharge impressions, learn a new language and get experience in another country.

I have Jewish roots, so I went under the Masa youth program. I studied Hebrew for four months, then trained in the companies by my speciality same time.

About the language

I know Hebrew at the household level. I can go to the grocery store or the market.

About life

Life here is different — not as complicated as in Russia.

Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals

In Israel good education. Next year I plan to enroll the master's degree at the school of design, which ranks 15th among similar schools in the world.

I perfectly stand the Heat of +40 degrees'. If someone missing frost in the winter, then come to Jerusalem and freeze there.

About people

I like my circle of people in Tel Aviv. They are free and active, interesting and nice but not always obligatory. You can schedule a work meeting, and the person without warning can be late for two hours.

They are free and active, interesting and nice but not always obligatory


Israeli cuisine is interesting. Russians find many new tastes for themselves. Here popular swarmy, huashi and places where you can try different types of hummus. Shakshuka is Israeli scrambled eggs — delicious and hearty breakfast.

Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals

In Tel Aviv I miss seafood. Most of the supermarkets don't have shrimp, squid, because it's unkosher. In France, grocery shopping is cheaper than in Israel.

There's almost no fast food. It's expensive and unpopular, but street food is common. Ice cream is sold at every step.

Israeli cuisine is not greasy and not harmful. But service leaves much to be desired. You wait for the waiter 40 minutes to have a cold dish.

Yulia Okev, 32 years old, hometown — St. Petersburg, hairdresser, @yulia_okev

Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals

About moving

My husband is from Israel. First-time we flew to each other, then we got married, and I moved in with him.

About the language

I learned the language quickly. Even in St. Petersburg I took classes at "Ulpan" school for learning Hebrew. After the move, it was easier to speak Hebrew and English.

Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals

About life

Israel has good medicine. Even serious diseases included in the minimum paid insurance pocket.

Medium level schools. If the child studying well, the child is invited to a special school for additional classes. So, a child can get a higher score for the University.

Israel is simple as a big village — everyone knows each other

The service here is different. In Russia, waiters, office workers speak the same phrases. Israel is simple as a big village — everyone knows each other. You can tell the head if the employee was rude.

About people

Israelis are family people.

They work hard. In Israel, only one day off — Saturday. It adds pace to life.

On Saturday, families leave to park for a picnic or relax by the pool. Religious people spend the day at home with family and in the synagogue, relax all day without TV and phones.

Russians about life in Israel: One day off, no service and hospitable locals

Locals don't waste the time and choose to work closer to home.


There is a large choice of healthy vegetables. All world food is presented. Cafe or restaurant for every taste. There are also amazing food markets.

I am not a fan of Russian cuisine. Since childhood, I have eaten simple and healthy food. Our diet in Israel consists of grilled meat, rice, vegetables

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