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Programmers in Singapore: about salaries for beginners and working conditions


Programmers in Singapore: about salaries for beginners and working conditions

Ng Ping, 26 years old, hometown — Singapore, web developer

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About how he came to the profession

I became interested in programming at Singapore University of technology and design. There I participated in many projects and training programs aimed at programming. I was drawn to this sphere. I talked to other programmers on the Internet, learned their stories and finally made sure that this is what I need. The idea that you could create an incredibly complex system or a simple mini-game with your fingertips, struck me.

I work as a web developer. My responsibilities include development and implementation of dynamic web interfaces, the creation of back-end web services, data analysis and work with clients and the main component — error correction.

About the IT industry and working conditions in Singapore

Singapore is a technologically oriented country. The government strongly supports breakthrough technologies and encourages local companies to improve their IT infrastructure. For example, the state launched the Smart Nation project. It is aimed at the introduction of new technologies in industrial facilities and administrative institutions.

In addition, Singapore is an economic centre for Southeast Asia and the Asian Pacific, which helped to attract such major giants as Google, Facebook, Dyson, etc.

There are tens of thousands of it companies in Singapore, ranging from small startups to huge tech corporations. They try not to build typical offices with booths but invest in buildings with unusual architecture and open work areas for more coordinated teamwork.

Traditionally, the working day lasts eight to nine hours, not counting overtime, which periodically occurs in the last days of the deadline.

In Singapore, your academic degree is still valuable, so its presence can serve as a good bonus in hiring. If you already have two or three ready-made projects, it will also increase your chances.

However, large companies value hard work, ability to learn quickly and support corporate policy most of all in beginners. In my opinion, techno companies in Singapore prefer a variety of specialists, and all that is necessary is knowledge and hard work.

About opportunities

For local residents, the government has implemented a convenient program for obtaining skills and certificates in the IT sphere. Companies work closely with this government program: provide jobs and give free advice about the work.

For foreigners, there are many technology conferences, meetings, events where they can meet with employers and show their skills. For example, Facebook recently launched a program Circle for developers, and Google this weekend arranges a meeting of developers, where they will talk more about their company's technologies.

We plan to develop, learn new things in web development and become the leader of our team in a year. At the same time, I want to start working on my own ideas that may become part of my own company in the future.

Bee Lee Ong, 25 years old, hometown — Kuala Lumpur, an analytical programmer at RamcoSystems Pte Ltd

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About how he came to the profession

I started programming when I was 12. I have a crazy passion for computers since I was a child, I tried to develop simple games and software and also worked on security systems. Even before entering the University, I worked with IoT devices or rather rasp pi and Arduino.

I won a scholarship to a technical University five years ago, and that's when I moved to Singapore. In my last year of study, I was looking for a job near my University. I sent my CV to several IT companies, and Ramco was the first to respond.

At the moment, my task is to develop software for our company's products.

About the IT industry and working conditions in Singapore

Singapore is a trading centre of Southeast Asia, and the IT industry is in great demand in the market. I think many of the innovations in government agencies and manufacturing focused on the automation of the financial system. The state education system has begun introducing computer literacy among schoolchildren so that it corresponds to the realities of the time.

Singapore has a lot of startups, small businesses and a huge number of large techno companies: Google, Facebook, Seagate.

I work from 09:00 to 18:00 every day. I do not have a fixed workplace, and I can choose any, the main thing — personal comfort. We have a dining room with a coffee machine and a wine cellar. The building has a gym with a personal trainer and all staff can use it. Health insurance is also paid by the company.

Many interviews in large companies are reduced to a practical exam, where the employer reveals your strengths. Personally, my experience has shown this is a difficult task, but with proper skill you can find a job, most importantly — do not despair.

The average salary for beginners is $300 per month. However, it all depends on the direction, your responsibilities and the company itself.

About opportunities

I am satisfied with my position, and I have interesting projects, good colleagues and stable conditions — that's all I need to work.

Aerin Lim, 32 years old, hometown — Kuala Lumpur, programmer

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About how he came to the profession

I worked for an IT company in my hometown, Kuala Lumpur. My specialization is old networks, which not every modern programmer has encountered in his life. I work out of the office, mainly my task is to monitor the client site of the company, to meet customer requests, development and support of new banking systems.

Five years ago, the company in which I work, offered to move to Singapore, since then I live and work in this city.

About the IT industry and working conditions in Singapore

IT is the most important industry for Singapore, and the authorities understand that this is the future, so they create all conditions for IT companies. Only in our branch in Singapore employs about 300 people, and for a techno-company is a large staff.

I work from 08:00 5 days a week. My job allows me not to go to the office every day, so I rarely go there. If necessary, I visit the human resources Department for more information. I'm totally against overtime, so no matter what project I'm working on, I don't have overtime.

Finding a job in Singapore is not difficult if you clearly know whom you want to be and what you want to work on. If you just like programming, but you have not yet decided on the industry, it is best to get into small companies to gain experience and find their interests.

Newcomers in my company earn about $3,000 a month, excluding health insurance, life and property insurance, pension contributions. But each company has its own pricing policy, and somewhere you can get $200 a month, and somewhere all 5000.

About opportunities

I plan to continue working in my company. I have good conditions and chances for rapid career growth, so I will improve my skills and knowledge to develop as a specialist.

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