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OSON employees talk about how their careers have developed and what to expect from working in the company


OSON employees talk about how their careers have developed and what to expect from working in the company

OSON is a well-known ecosystem for electronic payments in Central Asia. We talked to her staff to find out about the company's corporate features.

Faizullo Iskhakov, Tashkent City, Director of Business Development

career in OSON

About me

I graduated from two higher educational institutions with master's degrees in information technology and chemistry.

He started his career 20 years ago with entrepreneurial activity in the field of selling prepaid cards. Later, I changed my direction and worked in the field of customer service at the mobile company Coscom, where I found my vocation in helping people. Then he took part in various projects: Ucell, MaxTrack, Bringo, Click, Global Solutions, Paynet, Uzbekistan Airways and others.

About a career at OSON

In 2018, I joined OSON as a project manager. The company was recommended to me by a friend who worked here.

During my work, I changed positions several times: I was technical director, chief operating officer, and director of business development. At the moment, I am responsible for the development of the company's commercial activities.

My job is to form clear goals in the development process and develop ways to achieve them. I work on improving and adjusting business processes, monitor the growth of economic efficiency, and provide information and analytical support in making management decisions.

About the specifics of the work

I like our company's ambitious approach and lack of fear of risks. We are constantly striving for new achievements and actively participating in the development of the country.

I chose OZON because I saw the sincerity of the founder of the company, as well as the potential for development. I like the atmosphere of trust and willingness to support each employee in their endeavors.

About the plans

My plans are related to the development of OZON into a limitless payment system. I am confident that my team and I will be able to achieve this goal and make the company a leading player in the industry.

Ibrohim Mirzamakhmudov, Tashkent city, Project Manager

career in Uzbekistan

About me

I graduated from the Moscow University of Finance and Industry. In early 2019, he began his career at Click.

About a career at OSON

I got a job at OSON after meeting Faizullo Iskhakov. During the conversation, I realized that this company is a place where I can realize my best qualities.

Since the first days of my work, I have been implementing a contact center and company support from scratch. Within a month, we launched the project with a full set of necessary equipment and personnel.

I liked the process of work: finding a solution, communicating with different specialists, implementing useful features. I saw my future in this profession.

I am currently working as a project manager. My main task is to ensure that projects are completed correctly and on time. I communicate with the team, provide them with the necessary information to solve the problems that have arisen, and end the day by accepting completed tasks.

About the specifics of the work

Openness, loyalty and willingness to help are the main features of our team. I have been taught a lot by my colleagues, with whom I continue to work.

Every day, when I get up for work, I feel like I'm in the right place. OSON is a place for like-minded and ambitious people.

About the plans

I will continue to be actively involved in the development of OSON. I will contribute to the achievement of a common goal — to make a unique product on a global level.

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