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Navigating Uzbekistan’s banking system: a guide for expats


Navigating Uzbekistan’s banking system: a guide for expats

Uzbekistan is becoming a popular destination for expats, with its growing economy and evolving banking sector. Understanding the local and international banking options is crucial for managing finances. This article explores the available choices and the process of opening a bank account as an expat.

National Bank of Uzbekistan

As the largest and one of the oldest state-owned banks, NBU offers a wide range of financial products for individuals and businesses. Expats can open accounts here, and the bank offers both Uzbek som, UZS and foreign currency accounts.

Asaka Bank

As another major state-owned bank, Asaka Bank focuses heavily on providing credit to businesses but also offers services for individuals. It’s popular for its robust online banking platform, which can be a convenience for expats.

Xalq Bank

Xalq Bank is well-known for its extensive branch network across Uzbekistan, providing easy access to banking services even in rural areas. It also offers expats options for opening accounts in multiple currencies.


One of the most dynamic private banks, Kapitalbank provides a modern banking experience with user-friendly mobile apps and a range of personal and corporate banking services. It's a popular choice among young professionals and entrepreneurs, including expats.

Tenge Bank

Although technically a foreign bank, Tenge Bank is particularly popular among expats from Central Asia. It provides a wide range of services, including corporate and individual banking solutions, with the advantage of having a strong presence in both Uzbekistan and neighboring Kazakhstan.

KDB Bank Uzbekistan

As a subsidiary of the Korean Development Bank, KDB Bank primarily caters to large enterprises, but it also offers personal banking services. It's a reliable choice for expats engaged in business and investment activities in Uzbekistan, offering multi-currency accounts and international transaction services.

Ziraat Bank

Ziraat Bank has a well-established reputation for serving the Turkish business community in Uzbekistan, but it also offers services to individual expats. Its strong focus on international transactions and competitive rates for foreign currency exchanges makes it a convenient option for expats looking for flexible banking solutions.

How to open a bank account as an expat

Opening a bank account as an expat in Uzbekistan is relatively straightforward, especially as the country continues to modernize its banking regulations. However, there are a few key steps and requirements to keep in mind.

Documents Required

To open a bank account in Uzbekistan, expats typically need the following documents:

— Passport or valid ID

— Proof of residency

— Proof of employment or a letter from your employer

— Taxpayer Identification Number, which can be obtained from the local tax authorities


Step 1. Visit the nearest branch of the bank where you want to open an account. Many banks in Uzbekistan require in-person visits for account openings, although some allow for preliminary online registration.

Step 2. Submit your documents to the bank's representative, who will verify your information.

Step 3. Choose the type of account you wish to open and provide any necessary additional documents.

Step 4. Once your documents are approved, your account will be set up, and you will receive your bank card, which may take several days.


Banking in Uzbekistan is becoming increasingly accessible for expats, with both local and international options available. Whether you’re looking for simple savings accounts or need international banking services, there are several institutions to choose from. By preparing the necessary documents and understanding the types of accounts and fees involved, you can smoothly navigate the process of opening a bank account in Uzbekistan.

Expats should also take advantage of the growing availability of digital banking services, which can make managing finances in Uzbekistan much easier.

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