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Nadira Kasymova on the development of the fitness industry in Kyrgyzstan and her life principles

Nadira Kasymova

40 years old, city — Bishkek, entrepreneur, @nodirabegim_casimova


Nadira Kasymova on the development of the fitness industry in Kyrgyzstan and her life principles

Надира Касымова

About myself

First of all, I am a wife and a loving mother of three wonderful children. And only then I am the CEO of the network of fitness clubs World Class Bishkek, UFC GYM Kyrgyzstan and Beauty Spa by World Class.

I am an energetic, emotional, inquisitive person. I can describe myself in three words: strategist, analyst and inspirer.

I love life more than anything in the world

I love life more than anything in the world. There is nothing more beautiful than the feeling of a fresh breath of freedom, wind in your hair or mountain air.

Happiness lies in the little things. Sometimes even a timely word can make you happier. The smiles of children, a successful meeting, a properly executed exercise, a timely idea — all these are moments of happiness.

About life principles

The basic principles of a successful woman for me are clarity, decency, fairness and a positive attitude.


When there are difficulties in life, sport helps me. Fitness club is my place of strength. It helps to relieve stress, recover, clear your mind and rethink the situation. With each movement, the problem becomes more transparent and clearer. Sport helps to become more resilient not only in the gym, but also in life.

About people in life

For me, people always come first. Human resource is one of the most significant aspects of the success of any business. Therefore, it is important that the right people are around. And do not forget to remain human yourself.

About the activity

My activity is directly related to what I love — beauty and sports. These are two important components of a healthy person.


It all started in 2009. I have been actively involved in the development business in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. Soon launched the Wellness and SPA project. And by the end of the construction of the residential complex, the idea came to go into the sports field. While working on the launch of a fitness project, I deeply immersed myself in the fitness industry, studied its specifics and finally decided on the choice of a franchise.

I am actively developing the fitness industry in Kyrgyzstan. During this time, we have not only joined the ranks of international companies, but also gained the trust and recognition of customers. This happened thanks to a well-structured system of work and service.

I set myself not just business goals, but more global tasks: popularization of a healthy lifestyle in the country and improvement of the health of the nation. By opening new clubs, my team and I instill in our compatriots a love of fitness and attract more and more people to work on a healthy and athletic body. This is my life's work.

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