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Must Visit in Madrid: the best places according to @hellozhanel


Must Visit in Madrid: the best places according to @hellozhanel

Our regular travel columnist Azamat Nurmagambetov together with Zhanel Ualikhan told us which places in Madrid are a must-visit to enjoy this city to the fullest.

Azamat Nurmagambetov, city — Astana, traveler, founder of @nomadcenter

We are launching a new format of articles for the "Travel" column, where my friends, who also love to learn new countries, will be your guide to the best cities in the world. Opening this format is my friend and content creator, blogger from Astana — Zhanel Ualikhan, who you may know as @hellozhanel. She will tell you about the beautiful capital of Spain — Madrid. Let's dive into the world of Spanish splendor and find out what places are worth visiting to feel the spirit of this wonderful city.

Zhanel Ualikhan, city Astana, Madrid, content creator, @hellozhanel

where to go in madrid

It's amazing how chance encounters can turn our lives around. For me, a content creator, columnist and journalist, such meetings turned out to be more than just a chance encounter. In search of new horizons, I had planned to travel to Paris and become "Zhanel in Paris." But life had its own plans, and it led me to Madrid.

Meeting the Spanish Ambassador to Kazakhstan, Jorge Urbiola Lopez de Montenegro, at one of the social dinners in Astana was the beginning of this story. His stories about Madrid awakened in me a desire to see this city.

When I flew to Madrid, I was struck by its beauty. Despite the fact that I do not speak Spanish, I feel at home here. I feel safe and comfortable in this city.

As the Economist noted, "Madrid is booming." Today the city is booming. It is buzzing with energy and opportunity, attracting creative people and entrepreneurs from all over the world. For me, it is not just a city, but also a source of inspiration, a place where reality intertwines with dreams.

Madrid is buzzing with energy and opportunity, attracting creative people and entrepreneurs from all over the world

Madrid, as it turns out, is huge and diverse. Looking at it on a map, you might think it's a small city, but it's full of life. Of its many neighborhoods, I especially loved the Justicia and Salamanca areas. These are where the best restaurants and bars are concentrated, which I'll talk about next.

GOTA, @gotawine

GOTA's menu ranges from gourmet appetizers to unique main courses. Many visitors to GOTA appreciate the establishment for its convenient location; you can stop in here before your nighttime adventures. I prefer to dine here before heading out to clubs and bars.

LOS 33, @los33madrid

This is not just a restaurant, but a true temple for gourmets, where every dish is transformed into a unique art. Without prior reservation you will have to wait for a long time to get a seat at a table. At best, you will have to be satisfied with a seat at the bar.

Edition Madrid Bar

Edition Madrid is a real gem located in the heart of the hotel of the same name. It is a bar for those who appreciate not only the taste of wines and cocktails, but also strive to create unique "Instagram" photos. Edition Madrid is the perfect place to visit.

Restaurante Ten Con Ten, @tenconten.restaurante

In the heart of the Salamanca neighborhood, one of the most prestigious corners of Madrid, is Ten Con Ten, a Mediterranean restaurant that has won my heart and has become an integral part of every visit I make to this city.

путешествие по Мадриду

My rough plan for an evening out for those looking to make it memorable and fun.

Start with a gourmet dinner at one of the city's best restaurants Charrua @charrua_madrid. The restaurant is famous for its meat dishes, making it the perfect choice for steak lovers. After enjoying the great food and atmosphere, you're ready for the next step.

Head to one of the city's popular wine bars: LOS 33 or Gota Wine. Here you can enjoy a diverse selection of wines in the company of your friends.

Finish the evening with some music and fun at Toni 2 Piano Bar. Entry to the bar costs €30, but it's definitely worth it. Here you'll find a piano for guests to play and sing on, often with everyone there singing along to each other. There is fun and joy here, making this bar the perfect place to end the evening.

Madrid nightclubs

Nightlife in Madrid usually starts late and lasts until the morning. It is part of the local culture and lifestyle. Clubs in Madrid don't start filling up until midnight, and their atmosphere peaks somewhere towards the middle of the night. If you want to immerse yourself in Madrid's nightlife, it's best to head to the clubs after midnight and prepare to keep the party going until late morning. Here are a few nightclubs I recommend visiting: Amazonika Madrid, Zuma Madrid, Istar, Lola, Gilda Haus.

Retiro Park, El Retiro Park

In the heart of the Spanish capital, amidst the hustle and bustle of city life, lies one of the most enchanting corners - Retiro Park. Spanning over 125 hectares, this green park serves as a place of relaxation and inspiration for Madrid residents and tourists from all over the world. On weekends I usually work in this park, it reminds me of the Luxembourg Park in Paris.

Museo Nacional del Prado

When visiting Madrid, every art fan should definitely head to the Museo Nacional del Prada. This art repository is not only one of the greatest art galleries in the world, but also a true architectural and cultural symbol of the Spanish capital.

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