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Kyrgyz customs and national traditions


Kyrgyz customs and national traditions

Weddings in Kyrgyzstan


The family is considered the foundation of Kyrgyz society. Previously, weddings were planned before the children reached adulthood. However, the ceremonies were held only when the children grew up. Grooms or parents of the groom asked for the bride's hand from her family and agreed in advance on what kind of kalym they would give for her. Usually, it was horses, cattle, money, and clothing, and jewelry.

There are many traditional celebrations associated with the upcoming ceremony, such as the celebration of the bride's farewell to her family, the ceremony itself, and the customs that took place after the wedding. Married men and women wear rings on the ring finger of their right hand.

Kyrgyz national dress


Photo source: sputnik.kg

The Kyrgyz national dress reflects the nomadic lifestyle of the Kyrgyz people. The main material of clothing was wool, felt, leather, and coarse fabrics. The design used ornaments and themes inspired by nature and tribal traditions.

The most famous garment in Kyrgyzstan is kalpak. Kalpak is a tall hat made of white felt, usually worn by men. Men also wore a chapan coat with a high collar.

A unique element of women's clothing was a swing skirt — beldemchi.

There were such types of headdresses as a skullcap — topu, a fur hat — tebetey, a high headdress without ties — shokul and a headdress turban — elechek. Women and men's winter clothing consisted of fur coats — ichik.

Festivals in Kyrgyzstan


Photo source: eurasianet.org

Festivals in Kyrgyzstan is a festive way to preserve ancient traditions. Festivals in Kyrgyzstan gather people from all over the country and tourists from all over the world. The most popular festivals are dedicated to crafts, cuisine, folklore, felt, hunting with birds, and horse games.

The most popular festivals in Kyrgyzstan: Festival of National equestrian games, which is held in July in Kochkor.

Festival of national dishes, which is held in August in Jalal-Abad.

World Nomad Games, which is held in September on the shore of Issyk-Kul Lake.

Kyrgyz stringed instruments


Photo source: southshorekg.com

The Kyrgyz people have used various musical instruments since ancient times.

Komuz is an ancient Kyrgyz stringed instrument. It consists of two main parts: the body and the neck, along which three strings are stretched. The length of the tool is approximately 90 centimeters. All parts made of wood. The sound quality of the komuz depends on the strings and the type of wood it is made of.

Kyl-kyyak is a two-stringed bowed instrument made of the uruk or mulberry tree. Length is no more than 65-70 centimeters.

National cuisine


Kyrgyz national cuisine is an amazing combination of dishes of various Central Asian nationalities. A distinctive feature of Kyrgyz dishes is that they are prepared only from fresh products. The main ingredient of Kyrgyz cuisine is meat.Beshbarmak is one of the most favorite and traditional Kyrgyz dishes with Turkic roots. Pilaf is a traditional Central Asian dish and common in southern Kyrgyzstan. The dish consists of boiled noodles, seasoned fried, and then braised with vegetables and meat. Lagman has Dungan roots and has been one of the favorite dishes of the national cuisine since ancient times.Shorpo is a strong and fatty meat broth that can contain carrots, potatoes, noodles, and herbs. Shorpo is ubiquitous in Kyrgyzstan, but the recipe for its preparation can vary depending on the region. Samsa is a baked dough, often layered, with a variety of fillings, primarily meat. Samsa is one of the most favorite Kyrgyz dishes. In cities and large villages, samsa is a popular street food option.

Bazaars in Kyrgyzstan


Bazaars in Kyrgyzstan is the heart of the city. There are many bazaars in the capital of Kyrgyzstan and each of them is interesting in its way. However, the main three bases in Bishkek are Dordoi Bazaar, Osh Bazaar, and Maly Bazaar.

Dordoi is the largest Bazaar in Central Asia. You can find anything in Dordoi, but it is best known for selling clothes. The Osh Bazaar is the cheapest market. The bazaar is known for the lowest prices in Bishkek. Here you can find anything: food, clothing, building materials, gold jewelry, furniture, and traditional souvenirs. Maly Bazaar is the market of livestock. The best time to go there in autumn. Families spend the entire summer on jailoo feeding their animals with fresh grass, and in the fall they sell them in the markets.


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