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Kazakhstan to develop its own EV charging network


Kazakhstan to develop its own EV charging network

Kazakhstan is set to expand its own network of electric vehicle charging stations.

The country already has the necessary infrastructure in place, with local production led by Adele Energy Group. The installation of charging stations is currently underway in major cities like Almaty and Astana. These stations are designed to charge any type of ground transport, from private cars to buses and trucks. Looking ahead, the company has ambitions to enter international markets, particularly in the Middle East, where it sees strong export potential.

The company’s near-term goals include launching a nationwide charging infrastructure centered around homegrown innovations. The first large-scale projects in Almaty and Astana are expected to roll out in 2025, with further expansion supported by major investors. Additionally, the company sees significant export opportunities, particularly in the Middle East, where demand for EV infrastructure is growing rapidly.

Source: azh.kz

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