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“Kazakhstan is a multicultural country that is open to other nations.” How Astana surprised outstanding teachers from the USA


“Kazakhstan is a multicultural country that is open to other nations.” How Astana surprised outstanding teachers from the USA

Keisha and Treisha Thorp, internationally recognized teachers, visited Kazakhstan as speakers at the Nobel Fest. In an interview for our media, they spoke about their activities and shared their impressions.

Keisha Thorpe, 2021 Global Teacher Prize winner, co-Founder and Vice President of US Elite International

Treisha Thorpe. 2021 Outstanding Teacher of the Year Award winner, co-Founder and President of US Elite International


About activities

Keisha. I am an English teacher at Langley Park International High School in Maryland, USA. The field of teaching has always interested me. As children, my sister and I grew up in humble circumstances. We were raised by our grandmother. She finished sixth grade, and she did not have much financial resources for our education. But she brought up in us an understanding of the value of education. Every year I am more and more convinced that my grandmother was right.

I got into college with a Track And Field Scholarship. During my studies, I acted as a mentor for students of local schools. I saw that many of them are experiencing the same difficulties that I went through as a child. This motivated me to fight for their rights and access to quality education. I changed my field of study from Law to Teaching because I saw the need for teachers who understand students from socially vulnerable backgrounds and can give them hope and the ability to dream.

In 2021, I won the Global Teacher Prize. It is awarded by the Varkey Foundation jointly with UNESCO. This award is designed to highlight the importance of educators in achieving the fourth Sustainable Development Goal, ensuring equal access to quality education for all children.

One of the reasons why they chose me is my students. Most of them are representatives of socially vulnerable segments of the population. I build trusting relationships with them, set high goals. When children see that their future is really important to me, they begin to work hard. I care about students. During the quarantine, many of them wanted to leave school because they had to work to provide food for the family. Then I initiated the Food for Change program, found partner organizations. We were not allowed to see each other, so I brought boxes of groceries and left them at the door. Thanks to this, the children continued their education.

A good teacher does his job not only in the classroom, focusing on grades and achievements. A true professional should support children even when the doors of the school are closed. Make sure their environment is safe, that they have food and clothing. After all, many things that affect students take place outside the classroom.

Treisha. I, like my sister, was greatly influenced by the environment in which we grew up. So while in college, we created the non-profit organization US Elite International. Its goal is to give access to education to pupils and students who do not have the necessary resources for this.

During my accounting degree, I did an internship in teaching. I saw that knowledge can change people's lives. This is how my passion for teaching was born.

Today we have combined our knowledge and skills to make the world a little better.

About Nobel Fest

Keisha. Historically, Nobel Fest has focused on innovation in science. Nobel Fest emphasizes the value of the teaching profession and the ideas that its representatives carry. Today Kazakhstan is at a crossroads. People are investing a lot in an educational system that will support teachers and students. I think I was invited to inspire young people and teachers, to show that their work is important for society.


The festival brings together creative thinkers from all over the world in one place and allows them to share expertise in various fields: from climate science to technology.

Treisha. Millions of people around the world can follow performances at Nobel Fest. This is a truly global event that promotes the values ​​of mutual respect. The organizers plan to scale to other countries and I hope the US is on that list.

About Kazakhstan

Treisha. We are in Kazakhstan for the first time. Learned a lot about the country. Like Astana. It is a modern city.

Keisha. Astana has great architecture. Recently we were at the Opera. It is a beautiful building with interesting patterns and drawings on the walls reflecting local traditions. We explore the culture of Kazakhstan. Trying new food. There are hospitable people here. And the snow was a pleasant surprise.

There is a high interest in education in Kazakhstan

There is a high interest in education in Kazakhstan. There is almost 100% literacy rate of the population. In the US, it is smaller, so we have a lot to learn from you. Thanks to Nobel Fest, countries can interact with each other and adopt the best strategies in education.

Treisha. In the city, I heard native music from Jamaica, met places with American fast food. It's great that Kazakhstan is a multicultural country that is open to other nations. There are also many foreign teachers in local educational institutions. I like that almost everyone speaks several languages.

About plans

Treisha. In the near future, US Elite International plans to host the annual Scholarship and Athletic Convention and College Fair. This year it will take place in Jamaica. Usually it is visited by several hundred pupils and students, and representatives of American educational institutions talk about themselves and give the opportunity to receive a scholarship right on the spot.


In January 2023, we will hold the Global Education Teacher Summit. We invite teachers from around the world to share successful cases, practices and strategies. Teachers will be able to improve their skills and gain experience that will help teach students even better.

Pupils and students should always remember that they are important regardless of their social status. Keep dreaming and don't stop moving forward. Everything can be achieved. The only limit is the sky.

Teachers are advised to take notes when attending events like the Nobel Fest. Learn about new learning strategies and apply them to your work. Remember that learning is a double process. Create an atmosphere where students can voice their ideas without hesitation.

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